The Definition of Fair

  • par: Paxen
  • destinataire: Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionary, Collins Dictionary, Google Dictionary,, American Heritage Dictionary, Macmillan Dictionary,, Oxford Dictionary, Britannica-Encyclopedia, and others...

Language is very similar to "land-gauge"-being a way we gauge the land with our communication, in balancing the resources within supply and demand.

The word "fair" is most widely used in the context of being "equitable" -or in the sense of a gathering, such as the "county fair" or the  "fairgrounds"...

However, the word "fair" also has a lesser known definiton: "light complexion, of the skin, hair or eyes" -this is not equity... Be-cause if it was, white supremacy would not be the mental illness threatening social peace as it currently is. 

For example, see Merriam Webster's 4th definition of "fair." The English Oxford Dictionary looks different, as they have made some changes regarding this flaw, indicating the era that the racial definition was used, and stating its not frequent in a popular communication context, in their description page of the word.

Other dictionaries should follow this lead, but they could also add an indication to why the racial context is out of use as well... 

"Fairness" in equity, should not be defined to only one skin tone, but to all. Logically, in order to be legitimate to this word's most widely used context of understanding, the light skin tone shall not be the only type of complexion valued to truly experience "fairness" 

"...I won't sign because it just depends on the context in which you use the word, so it doesn't matter..."

Despite the context in which "fair" is being used, its homonym status poses a threat to diversity; the phonetic; physical sound vibration for equality and gathering space, has also historically been used for light-complexion; showing that these are historically-inherently tied together, when they shouldn't be.

This issue gives a sub-unconscious tone of racism to the land-gauge, because it hypocritically defies the equity for which it supposedly stands.

"...I think abridged dictionaries should only remove words that have completely fallen out of use for a long time. We shouldn't erase history; that makes it even harder to learn from it..."

We are asking to remove one of the definitions, not the entire word... We are changing language to define a bygone era and enact a stronger maturity for the human race.

In 2019, Maria Beatrice Giovanardi, a London-based Communications Strategist, started a petition to remove the sexist definitions of "Woman" from the Oxford English Dictionary. Even though sexism is still an issue, Maria successfully petitioned the dictionary to change because of the discrimination- her move was even featured on CNN and USA Today.

In 1994, Roy Miller, a Georgia-based, R&B musician and attorney of the law, successfully got the "n" word removed from the Funk & Wagnalls dictionary. Even though the "n" word is still being used by racists or by people of color in a kinda jive, this move made it more systemically clear that the racial discrimination shall not be tolerated, literally!

Indigenous people were forced to learn English and had their languages almost totally removed from society's land-gauge.

Yes, we should learn from history, and that includes recognizing that changing this word and others is nothing compared to the genocide that indigenous people have endured. If we really wanted to support history we would be funding Indigenous Language Programs, as well as acknowledging the fact that "history erasure" was a form of racism through cultural genocide.

Another reason this is a safety issue, is that A.I. cannot neccesarily differentiate between definitions unless we program it do so. Leaving out the complexion definition of this word will help humanity avoid a white supremacist robot crisis from happening.

Edifying English is not cultural genocide, it's prompting the most popular language in the world (next to Mandarin Chinese), to act-u-ally support the global idea of communication; common-unification. In a world suffering from climate change, species loss, world war and poverty, the land-gauges we are using are reflecting this mentality. We must get to the root-cause of hurtful inequalities if we want to eradicate hatefullness. 

Erasing the definition of fair as a white-complex is miniscule to the erasure of whole Indigenous languages and history. Parts of the English language have been used as a tactic of both racial and gender oppression, as "fair" is not the only concept en-glitch has used to portray the systemic hack of white & male supremacy- this change at least systemically updates and fixes the error code.

Words change over time, some become slanged or outdated, and it's time to out-date this subconscious inequality. Removing the racial connotation to the word "fair" aims to prevent the word from continuing subconscious systemic racism, so future generations change the narrative into truer equity...

Sign this petition to various English dictionaries, to remove the definition(s) of "light complexion in skin/hair/eyes" in relation to the word "fair" -so fairness of the land only defines to gauge the equitable gathering grounds in time and space.

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 7 mois
Sup Y'all
thAnkhs for signing this petition to remove the subconscious systemic racism from the definition of fairness. If you could please share this petition with your friends, family, and social media groups, it will help boost this effort quicker. I am currently scribing a book about the concept of En-Glitch, and updated the language of this petition to acknowledge that.
Be good <3
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