Stop torturing cats in Vietnam. Please Help Cats In Vietnam.

  • par: artem m
  • destinataire: Vietnamese government and Peta

STOP THE SUFFERING AND TORTURE! Stop the holocaust of animals in Vietnam.

Thousands of cats are also slaughtered for soups and so-called "health" tonics. They are killed in the cruelest ways imaginable, because many Vietnamese believe the insidious myth that the more an animal suffers, the tastier the meat and that the medical properties will be enhanced.

Sadly, many of these individuals have the misconception that beating, skinning, blow-torching and boiling these helpless animals alive increases the tenderness of the meat...... Specifically, there is the necessity to inflict and to sustain suffering as much as possible on the selected creature(s) in order to 'improve the quality' - read 'taste' - of the doomed animal(s).

To achieve this, the killers use the following techniques to achieve their end results: hanging, then beating to death of the living being. Hanging suppresses the screams of the victim. Beating is done as slowly as possible in order to tenderize the flesh for the diners. Boiling alive and blow-torching dogs and cats alive are two other preferred methods to enhance customer culinary pleasure.

All these methods -- and I would not be surprised if the devious human primate has searched the depths of his/her black soul for other sadistic forms of torture leading to death -- are designed to satisfy the palates of indifferent human animals. If individuals can imagine more horrendous ways of depriving living beings of life than the techniques mentioned here -- hanging and beating alive, but not to death, boiling alive, and blow-torching alive -- please let us know.

These pictures are so vile and despicable and EVIL it is like looking into hell itself. These tortures are not only cruel, they are bad for the national image by associating your country with crazed, superstitious, backwards, dishonorable, sadistic, cruel, unintelligent, perverted abusers.

There's no animal protection law in Vietnam. Please enact a ban on cat and dog meat consumption AND on the torture of ANY animal. This petition will be sent to representatives of the Vietnamese Embassy.

Share please, so we can get as many signatures as possible.

Thank you

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