Please give our girls a chance to start higher Chinese early. 请给我们的孩子一个学习高级华文的机会。

Hope that RGPS would reconsider maintaining the current pratice in teaching higher Chinese for P1 to P3.

Starting out with higher Chinese will expose kids to more stories, vast vocab and the process will enrich their learning experiences.

Removing their early exposure to higher Chinese standards during P1 to P3, may create a huge gap when they move to P4 higher Chinese. That jump may be painful and potentially stressful for both children and their parents.

Even for majority of the cohort who are not pursuing HCL later on, the early exposure to higher learning standards will make it easier for them to excel in Upper Primary.


Mettre À Jour #1il y a 5 ans
Our comments has been delivered to the school. The principal, Ms Yue Yoke Mun, responded to this matter. For more details about the response, please refer to the following link.
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