John Fetterman has experienced several strokes & is now being treated for depression. While we wish him good health we need a Senator who is there to represent the people of Pennsylvania, not an empty seat.
    Sen. John Fetterman could remain hospitalized for more than a month as the Pennsylvania Democrat undergoes treatment for depression, a senior aide said, following a series of health setbacks.

    On Wednesday, Mr. Fetterman checked himself into Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, the second hospitalization for the freshman senator in recent weeks. His office said that Mr. Fetterman has experienced depression off and on throughout his life and that the senator voluntarily entered the hospital after consulting with the attending physician for Congress, Dr. Brian P. Monahan.

    A senior aide to Mr. Fetterman said in an interview late Friday that the senator will remain hospitalized as doctors try out new medications and dosages to test their efficacy. Mr. Fetterman will also engage in talk therapy, the aide said, meeting with a professional therapist to discuss the experiences he has had, including the challenges of campaigning for office.

    The hospital stay could range from weeks to more than a month, but likely less than two months, the aide said, citing the time frame the doctors are focusing on.

    It is Mr. Fetterman’s second hospital stay in recent weeks. Mr. Fetterman attended the State of the Union address on the evening of Feb. 7 and the next day felt disoriented and was admitted to a Washington hospital. The aide said that Mr. Fetterman had gone to George Washington University Hospital due to being malnourished and dehydrated, and those problems re-emerged in the past week.
    Pennsylvania needs a representative that is able to do the job that they are elected to do and that is represent the people to the best of their ability. This cannot be done while being checked in and out of hospitals. Mr. Fetterman needs to step down as Pennsylvania's U.S. senator and focus on his own health and well being.
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