Justice for Daryl M Ross Jr. 16 yr old murder by Stl City Police 18 bullets in the body.

In September of 2022. Two St Louis City Police detectives fired 18 rounds into the body of Daryl M.Ross Jr. Fourteen of the first rounds were into his back! These officers were canvassing a nuisance gas station for drug activity. Not at all related to Ross Jr. The detectives jumped out,and people began to run. Ross Jr. also ran in fear. Two of the officers chased him,and shot him down. More than 18 rounds were fired. 18 entering his body according to the corners report.
Also, according to video footage you can clearly see young Ross running away without anything in his hands. Our concern is there were over 12 cameras outside, and the police are saying none of them have footage with sound.
There were City cameras for the police department on two tall poles and one stand-up camera at the dollar store with four cameras . The store itself had eight video cameras on the outside. The dollar store across the street in front of the store has cameras. The bank across the street diagonal to wear the murder occurred has cameras and can clearly show the murder. We requested last year that Mayor Jones, and the circuit attorney's office would open an investigation . Into this officer related shooting. To the date these two detectives are still employed with St Louis City Police department. We are now asking the United States department of Justice to investigate the police shooting of 16-year-old Daryl M. Ross Jr. This is clearly a civil rights violation of Ross Jr. . This is one of the most egregious instances of excessive force regarding police brutality.
Please join Daryl's family and I calling for justice and change.
Thank you,
Human Rights Consultant
Anastasia Syes
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