Romania - do not legalize the mass killings of stray animals.Say NO to euthanasia of healthy animals

  • par: Mira Iordanescu
  • destinataire: Romanian Parliament, ANSVSA, European Parliament,

Romania, as a civilized country, member of the EU, must implement those measures to control the over populations of stray animals which have been proven efficient in all the civilized world : capture/sterilize/ appears that very many mayors in Romania have decided to KILL as many stray dogs as possible.... 

In mid March 2013 the Romanian Senate has passed with an overwhelming majority the Bill 771/912/2007, regarding the management of stray animals, and based on the Judiciary Committee of the Romanian Parliament, only the animals suffering from incurable ailments can be euthanised. WELL this did not sound well with many mayors in Romania, as well as many veterinarians ( !) and the Association of Romanian Municipalities - has contacted the Committee for Public Administration of the Romanian Parliament ( during the session in April 3rd 2013 ) and proposed the most HORRIBLE amendments possible....The euthanasia , after only 10 days, of all animals captured and living in state run shelters (public shelters ) being the MOST HORRIBLE and BARBARIC of all... 
It is our understanding that the Committee for Public Administration will meet again in two weeks to make a final decision , to vote on all new ammendments and then, to send the Bill to the the Romanian Parliament for a final vote in a plenary session...IT IS OBVIOUS by now that local authorities ( town halls ) decided TO KILL AS MANY animals as they possible can...and we all know how "euthanasia " is done in Romania, and we all know that MOST public shelters are in fact DEATH CAMPS for the animals...
Please sign and share this petition....these poor animals need us more than ever. Thank you .

Distinsi membrii ai Parlamentului Romaniei

Stimati oficiali romani si europeni

Honorables members of the Romanian Parliament

Dear Romanian and European officials

  Noi, cetateni ai Romaniei si ai intregii lumi, am aflat cu stupoare despre amendamentele prezentate Comisiei Juridice si Comisiei pentru Administratia Publica - Parlamentul Romaniei - , la Proiectul de Lege 771/912/2007, de catre AMR, prin Presedintele Tudor Pendiuc.

We, citizens of Romania and from all over the world, are appalled by the ammendments proposed to the Bill 771/912/2007, to the Judiciary Committee and The Public Administration Committee - Romania Parliament - by the Association of Romanian Municipalities, President Tudor Pendiuc.

Este inacceptabil ca o lege aprobata deja de Senatul Romaniei, sa fie amendata cu optiuni care pot degenera in adevarate masacre ale animalelor, dat fiind ca se insista pentru reintruducerea eutanazierii tuturor cainilor aflati in adaposturile publice la numai 10 zile dupa capturarea lor.

It is unacceptable that a BILL approved by the Senate, be ammended with such options which can lead to real massacres of animals , because they want to reintroduce the euthanasia of all animals in shelters, 10 days after their capture.

Se stie deja in intreaga lume ca marea majoritate a adaposturilor publice pentru animalele fara stapan sunt adevarate lagare ale mortii, ca angajatii trateaza animalele in mod barbaric, ca nu sunt hranite si nu primesc asistenta medicala necesara si mai ales ca sunt OMORATE in masa sub pretextul unor boli asa zise incurabile. Este notorie deja Emilia Herescu - din judetul Prahova - pentru miile de caini pe care i-a OMORAT cu mana ei. 

Se stie deja in intreaga lume ca organizatiile locale pentru protectia animalelor fac eforturi URIASE pentru a ajuta si salva cat mai multi caini care sunt efectiv condamnati la moarte in momentul cand sunt dusi in acele adaposturi. Va rugam NU luati in considerare interventia Emiliei Herescu, deorece a contribuit din plin impreuna cu primarii care i-au solicitat colaborarea,  la degradarea imaginii Romaniei in lume 

It is well known already, in the entire world that the vast majority of the  public shelters for stray dogs are in fact DEATH CAMPS, where the employees treat animals in the most barbaric way, where animals starve and do not receive medical help and most importantly where animals are KILLED under the pretext of the so called incurable diseases  Mrs. Emilia Herescu - Prahova county - has become notorious for killing with her own hand thousands and thousands of dogs. It is already known in the entire world that the local organizations for the protection of animals make huge efforts to help and rescue as many dogs as possible, dogs which are basically sentenced to death from the moment they are brought in those shelters. Please disregard Emilia Herescu's intervention because she has major contribution to the tarnished image Romania has already ( so do the mayors who solicited her to capture and kill the stray dogs from their cities

Va rugam sa luati cunostinta de petitia internationala in care se cere ca Romania sa NU fie acceptata in Spatiul Schengen pana cand probleme animalelor fara stapan nu va fi rezolvata in mod civilizat, uman si eficient, fara legalizarea uciderii in masa a cainilor din adaposturile de stat.

Please take note about the international petition against the acceptance of Romania in the Schengen Space, until the problem of stray animals is solved in a civilized, humane and efficient manner without the legalization of the mass killings of stray dogs in public shelters.

Consideam ca eutanazierea animalelor sanatoase este o propunere barbara, inumana si in totala contradictie cu Conventia Europeana pentru Bunastarea animalelor. Este inacceptabila si va avea ca repercursiuni totala degradare a imaginii Romaniei si a poporului roman in intreaga lume.

We consider that the euthanasia of healthy animals is a barbaric and inhumane option in total condraction with the European Convention for the Welfare of Animals. It is unacceptable and will lead to the total degradation of the image of Romania and the Romanian people in the entire world.

Nu suntem de acord cu optiunea de a hotara doar pe plan local programul cu publicul la adaposturile de stat. Adaposturile de stat trebuie sa fie accesibile publicului, in toata tara, intre orele 12-20 in fiecare zi a saptamanii, cu exceptia sarbatorilor statutare, ca in toate tarile civilizate din lume. Asociatiile locale pentru protectia animalelor trebuie sa fie implicate in activitatile adaposturilor.

We do not agree that the state run shelters be opened to public acces only based on local schedules,at the discretion of each mayor. .The shelters, MUST be all, at national level, open to the public from 12pm to 8 pm, like in all civilized countries in the world. The local organizations for the protection of animals must be involved in the activities in the public shelters.

 Nu suntem de acord ca adoptarea animalelor din adaposturile de stat sa fie conditionata de aprobarea scrisa a vecinului de apartament sau a asociatieie locatarilor, deoarece aceasta este o incalcare grava de drepturilor constitutionale , intruziune in viata privata si violarea dreptului de proprietate. Aceste conditii NU sunt puse nicaieri in lumea. 

We do not accept the idea that the adoption of animals from state run shelters be done based on the written approval of the next door neighbor, nor the Associations of Tenants, because these requirements are in fact a violation of constitutional rights, intrusion in one's private life, and also the violation of the right to own property.

These requirements are not imposed anywhere in the world.

Amendamentele propuse de AMR sunt barbare, si nu fac decat sa dovedeasca intentia de a UCIDE cat mai multe animale , de a evita gasirea de solutii umane si civilizate in colaborare pe plan local, cu asociatiile de protectie a animalelor. Pozitia AMR care cere UCIDEREA animalelor dupa 10 zile de la capturare nu face decat sa justifice imaginea de Tara a Mortii pentru Animale, pe care Romania inca o are in lume.

The amendments introduced by AMR are barbaric, and can only demonstrate the unwillingness of local authorities to find humane and civilized solutions in collaboration with the local organizations for the protection of animals. The proposal to KILL all the animals , 10 days after their capture, justifies the image of The Land of death for the Animals, that Romania still has now in the world.

Cerem Comisieie Juridice si Comisiei pentru Administratie Publica, sa respinga in totalitate amendamentele AMR si toate care se dovedesc a nu fi constitutionale,barbare, si inumane  deoarece o lege trebuie sa fie aplicata in acelasi fel in toata tara si trebuie sa respecte drepturile omului, asa cum sunt stipulate in Constitutia Romaniei si un Carte Universala pentru Drepturile Omului si trebuie sa reflecte gradul de progres moral al unei natiuni si prin felul in care animalele sunt tratate

Cerem interzicerea categorica a eutanazierii animalelor sanatoase.

 We kindly ask the Judiciary Committee and The Committee for Public Administration to reject all the amendments made by AMR, and all the other amendments which can be proved unconstitutional, because a national law MUST be applied in the same manner in the entire country and must respect the Constitutional and Human Rights as stipulated in the Romanian Constitution and the Universal Chart of Human Rights, and to reflect the degree of the moral progress of a nation in the way the animals are treated.

We kindly ask that all amendments which are barbaric, inhumane and uncivilized to be removed.

We kindly ask to categorically BAN the euthanasia of healthy animals.

Multumesc pentru atentie

Sincerely yours,

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