Ban All Trophy Hunting Permanently and Forever

  • par: Jad Abou Zaher
  • destinataire: President of South Africa, President of Botswana, President of Namibia, President of Tanzania, President of Zimbabwe, President of Zambia, President of Uganda, President of Ethiopia

Trophy hunting is evil. It does not help conservation, and it is driving population declines of elephants, lions, leopards, giraffes, rhinos, hippos, cheetahs, and other large mammals. Trophy hunters do not target the old, the weak, the sick and the young, but the biggest animals that roam the savannah - the largest elephants with the largest tusks, the lions with the biggest manes, and the biggest rhinos. The money from trophy hunting does not go to conservation, but rather to the hunting operators. Only 3 to 5 percent of hunting revenue ever goes to the local communities. Photo tourism can bring in more money to communities and governments. A live lion can make millions over its lifetime, compared with a dead one, that only makes thousands of dollars.

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