• par: Michele Hackett
  • destinataire: This Petition is for anyone who is interested in "Justice, Inclusion & Equality" concerning Education & Employment for ethnic communities; and for any citizen who is against senseless Gun Violence!

Family & Friends, welcome to the "Hack & Jac", "Justice, Inclusion & Equality". "Power Up Petition!"  Your first "Mystery Clue" has been revealed, "There's strength in numbers", which refers to your signatures on this petition! Help us to obtain 1,000 signatures by May 20th (at that time we will provide updates)!

  • Help us to preserve and be the gatekeepers of "Justice, Inclusion and Equality"; and the "Hack & Jack" story, core values, dreams, and legacy!
  • It only takes 1 minute to read/sign this petition and share the link with Family & Friends!  If you are unable to read the entire petition today, no worries, you can read the rest at your leisure. The petition is "SUMMARIZED" in the next paragraph.
  • We are lobbying, for "Justice, Inclusion, and Equality; regarding Education and Employment; and actions that are against, Gun Violence, violent policies, and systemic systems, that marginalize and dehumanize our families & communities! Our dollars, political, and religious involvement has built powerful movements; our collective voices are cable of doing the same!




First, we want to give thanks to GOD for the Black Excellence that has been achieved by our Family & Friends, and throughout the diaspora!   Our ancestors used to say, "If you want to smell the sweet taste of success, keep going"!  "The Power Up Petition", is threefold: it's about the Past, Present, and Future!   


  • Due to the important causes that are being addressed; the length of this petition is justified (I did my best, to sum up, two beautiful lives & 500+ yrs of American/Black History in 3 min)!
  • Here is why we are lobbying for Equality, Justice & Inclusion!
  • Get to know them!


  • This is their story! This is our story!

Hack & Jac fell in love at first sight! They went on to get married and had beautiful children!  Nevertheless, times were not always easy. Back in the days, Hack & Jac were both belittled for wanting to be trailblazers in their perspective job sectors. Our beloved relative Jac, was employed with a prominent, well-known, organization. Nevertheless, she was laughed at in the 1970s, for wanting to launch a store-front business in the Flatbush community.  She was determined to achieve her targeted goals!  According to her eldest Sister Jean; Jac was a visionary and had "deep thoughts and dreams" about providing for her children and perusing her professional & personal goals. Unfortunately, GOD transitioned her back home.  In the 1980s, her husband Hack, who is also our beloved relative, forged on, with a heavy heart and determination!  Hack was vetted by several headhunters to work on Wall Street, this led him into a 30-year successful career!   As a self-sufficient, widower, and single Dad, he was "our rock", and an exceptional provider to his four children, grandchildren, and extended family members!


  • While on Wall Street, Hack overcame multi-faceted verbal and physical racial attacks at his place of employment!

This was occurring because he was a brilliant African American man (in a non ethnic-male-dominated career) who was extremely successful at spearheading and brokering global accounts on Wall Street.  While employed on Wall Street, Hack's good fortune morphed into a tremendous miracle, when, he survived, "The 911 Attacks"! "Never Forget", is a fitting phrase when recalling that day (meaning "Never Forget" the people who survived nor the thousands that perished). Hack miraculously escaped without any (real) physical harm.  However, I cannot attest to the same for his personal emotions. The psychological effects of "911"; Hack's flair for life; and being financially secured were the factors that precipitated him to enjoy an early retirement! 

  • Due to his hard work, investment knowledge, excellent organization and financial management skills, Hack was able to retire at 50! Throughout his lifetime, he maintained a generous nature!

He provided essential resources to neighbors, relatives, and strangers (regarding food, clothing, shelter, assistance with education, financial help, love, and family fun)!  Hack never re-married, but he kept his family bonds and worked silently and diligently on maintaining his happiness; until GOD transitioned him home to be with his beautiful wife!  May they both rest in peace and in power, in GOD's eternal light and love!



  • By signing and sharing this petition, you will help us fight for justice, equality, and inclusion; and also help us remember and celebrate the (a) Hack & Jac Legacy!

Part of the "Hack & Jac" legacy is regarding, the husband-and-wife duo that prided themselves on the ability to "provide"! They were tunnel-visioned when it pertained to working, providing, and learning about building a sustainable future for their family, and (b) with this "Power Up Petition" we aim to partner with organizations that build and lobby for: Education & Career Success (including S.T.E.M Learning) // Children & Family Support - Cultural Awareness & Celebration // DV & Gun Violence Prevention & Intervention (the fourth will be confirmed in April).  In each instance, we are requesting justice, equality, and inclusion towards the abovementioned sectors and occurrences!  We will achieve this by engineering a bridge of partnerships with organizations that empower thousands and that are dedicated to improving the stated issues!

  • Our work becomes even more important as, "water wars", work culture, technology, and new emerging economics causes, paradigm, permanent, shifts to the lives of our children, families, communities, and the global world. Regarding natural resources (water/healthy soil/growing food), the decentralized Block Chain (changing currency factors), AI, technology, robots/the robotic arm, and Silicon Valley.   The vast advancements in technology will be directly responsible for the PERMANENT loss of "20 MILLION JOBS", in the USA, by 2030 (CNBC, 2019).  The concerning issues over the reproduction of natural resources, our eco system, and global warming, will also heighten conversation around public health emergencies, natural disasters, and the new world order of finances!

"As the pace of robotics adoption quickens, policymakers will be faced with a dilemma: while robots enable growth, they exacerbate income inequality," researchers state in the report (Oxford, 2019).  Due to the stated, Universal Based Income (UBI) will become a, news-worthy, household conversation in the near future.  UBI, has been in focus since the last presidential election.  Since then, politicians/law makers and Silicon Valley are both reconning with (and charging each other with) the responsibility of wondering which of them, will be "paying" UBI to marginalized communities, the poor, and outdated technology workers; when "millions" of (their) jobs are "replaced by technology and the robotic arm". In regard to the other essential topics, this article is one of the hundreds of online articles and videos that is talking about the following ..."The unstoppable force of blockchain technology is barreling down on the infrastructure of modern finance. As with prior paradigm shifts, blockchain will create winners and losers. Personally, we would like the inevitable collision to transform the old money machine into a prosperity platform for all (Alex & Don Tapscott, 2017)."Without action, Timmermans said that "there is no doubt in my mind that my kids, my grandkids will be fighting wars over water and food." (Karen Gilchrist, 2023).

  • The good news, combined organizations (that we are partnering with), thought leaders, civil rights organizations, and like-minded professionals, are seeking to lobby, train, empower, and break the cycle of, abuse, inequalities, non-inclusive policies. and enduring Constitutional violence, on many fronts as they pertain to our communities.


For instance, The United States Constitution (USC) counts our ancestors as being "3/5th" of a person!  This document sits in the highest court - but the impact and the effective legislation of the "words" can be felt in our communities, homes, workplaces, and everyday lives!

  • On Wall Street, Hack was told that he did not "belong" there. He was being called the "N" word and was physically taunted about his "Afro".

I recall Hack feeling very disturbed and upset about this. It took a while for his colleague's unethical racial, and unprofessional behavior to cease (but only after Hack took matters into his own hands). It got so bad, that Hack embellished by telling his collogues that he knew Rev Al Sharpton ("I'm going to call my friend Rev Al").  I remember him saying those exact words. Hack was always smooth with his, so he didn't verbalize his remarks. He put that statement on a "stickie note" and placed it on his colleague's "computers". He said, "mentioning, Rev Al", did tamper down the taunts!  Hack, got a big kick out of his stickie notes.  He chuckled about it, and said, they haven't said much to me about "anything after the stickie notes".  We had a good laugh about it, as he got dressed to go out for the evening.


  • Unfortunately, Hacks wife Jac, case was racially profiled.  Detectives put her report in a "cold case" pile for 25+ years until I called (her daughter)!  After my one-minute pitch the detective agreed with me. 

I told him that "our mother" was "one of them", because she worked for "law enforcement; and that her case had racial undertones".  I went on to say that if "she was of another race, that maybe they would have put more effort into finding the person that hurt her, (hurt us)".  He agreed, apologized, and promised that they would find him.  Shortly after, they visited me. Weeks later the detectives boarded a plane to his hometown.  Their conclusion,"the person was deceased"

  • Gun Violence Statistics:Gun Violence, has become more prevalent in New York City and across the country. In 2020, there were 45,222 firearm-related deaths in the United States – that's about 124 people dying from a firearm-related injury each day. (CDC 2022). In New York State, there is an average of 870 deaths by gun violence each year. (Everytown 2022). 
  • The Problem of Gun Violence…. gun violence has a far-reaching impact for survivors and their families and communities. For communities of color and, particularly young boys and men of color, many people don't know gun violence support is available or simply aren't offered help.
  • When there is an incident involving a gun, there is an effect on an entire community, not just one person. In the aftermath of a shooting incident, the family members of the person who may have been shot are all affected.Community members who heard or witnessed the shooting are impacted by the trauma of being near a shooting incident, and an individual survivor has to cope with the traumatic aftermath of being shot or shot at. Some people may experience anxiety or fear about leaving their home or walking outside because of the trauma experienced during the shooting. Sadly, often families grieve the loss of a family member murdered. 
  • Solutions for Gun Violence:addressing gun violence in New York City and the country involves changing mindsets of people. We all need to stop thinking this cannot happen to you or someone you care about. The statistics are clear that gun violence can impact people you know. When these incidents occur, it is important not to blame the victims of a shooting for being in the way of a bullet. Aside from legislation and policy initiatives, people need to understand and appreciate the value of life. It is important to go beyond the idea that we could eliminate guns altogether, but rather rethink how we manage conflict (SHorizons, 2021).
  • In the week of February 26, 2021, the US House of Representatives will vote on the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, legislation … we urge the House & Senate to pass the bill as soon as possible.

Part E:

  • "Equality, Justice, and the need for "100% Inclusion" is needed everywhere ...within all organizations and institutions!Nonetheless, the USC, reaches far and long, it is abhorrently upheld, and deliberately dehumanizes our communities on multiple levels. The USC has a "loophole" that says when you are "dully convicted" of a crime you are then considered a "slave".  

Jac was employed at a law enforcement organization, but I'm guessing she would never have imagined the United States (US) "mass incarceration movement" that has swept our nation. 

  • In regard to this, there are three levels of law enforcement: (1) arrest (2) jail (3) prison (prison is the "dully convicted" part ... hence the "mass incarceration movement" adopted by our last 6 presidents, beginning in the 1970's.
  • 3 million people are in prison … a 500% increase over the last four decades (Nele Van Hout, 2023)
  • Due to George Floyd, "prison reform and bail reform" has become a global movement and fierce, hot-button topic.  When a person is "sentenced" by the judicial system, they are deemed at that point to be a "criminal".  A criminal, ok, that's fitting and fair, if a crime was committed.  But a "slave" no sir, no mam!
  • No political agreements, groups, pen, typewriter, computer, or drafted legislative document, should (ever) be able to label, make, or turn a "100% whole human being" into a "slave". Under no circumstances should this be a thought or a factual written law in our USC (or anywhere). 
  • To date the prison system is an active, on-going, lucrative Billion-dollar business (built by private and public industries).

I believe that the PF to protect Caucasian populations and their belongings, from the imagined anger and violence, that the NFS may have (hence 1915, blockbuster movie, "The Birth of A Nation") and those "arrest/conviction/slavery" principles still stand today as seen with mass incarceration.


  • Let's also note that, if by 3rd grade a student (mostly ethnic males) is unable to read on "grade level" (when taking the Standardized Test) the powers that be recognizes that as "a threat and a business", all at the same time. They start building more prisons (that's the mass incarnation and business side part").
  • Research does indicate that "poor literacy rates/poor reading habits" can lead to disinterest in school ... and that leads to truancy ... and truancy leads to crime ("that's the threatening part") and crime (for blacks) mostly leads to the arrest and "dully conviction" ... that leads us right back to the "slave loophole" in the USC ... that is mostly applied to our ethnic males .... and recidivism continues to exacerbate the prison problems in our communities as well.
  • This well-known "scenario within the school and political system" is called, "The pipeline to prison". 

When we first heard that saying in our executive meeting decades ago, everyone in that room did eventually shed a tear or two as we discussed the reality of what that phrase meant/means (the science of abuse is bonding, abuse does not solely impact the person that is getting abused ... it can affect anyone that is witnessing or hearing about the abuse i.e,. George Floyd ... BLM ,,, Global Movement)! Even the black men got misty-eyed, because as educators, we are on the front lines combating these issues daily, and at the same time "celebrating to the nines", when our Black Brothers & Sisters (BBS) achieve regardless of the "institutionalized traps". Discussing all aspects of the topics bonded us as co-workers and strengthened our dedication to our students.  As the sign goes, "We may not agree on everything", but I believe all would agree that the United States prison stats are sobering and a national embarrassment (no other nation has incarceration numbers like the US, you be the judge!

  • Over 77 million Americans hold a criminal record, which makes up for roughly one out of every three US adults. Around 10% of them (7.7 million) have been imprisoned at least once in their lifetime …  people of color are 37% of the total population … makeup 67% of the prison population … 2.3 million people are in prison … a 500% increase over the last four decades (Nele Van Hout, 2023)

When you sit back and really realize that a permanent-underclass is being started from the 3rd grade" its surreal.  But guess what?  It's factual when it's said that, "There's nothing new is under the sun" ... during slavery our ancestors were informed that their children had to start their duties as "slaves by seven years old". Seven and the 3rd grade ... there is really no difference there!  In addition, during the hundred years of slavery, it was against the law for our ancestors to read. Those tactics helped prolong fear and slavery.  Not being able to read in today's society is said to be the "school-to-prison pipeline".  This pipeline leads our communities to "be dully convicted ... which leads them into "a slave loophole" ... which legally dictates that they have to work for "free" ... for a good majority of their lives while in prison .... or for all of their lives while in prison.  There's not much difference there either. when comparing that scenario to traditional slavery back in the day!  As one of my students use to famously say (when you asked him how he was doing), "Ms. Hackett, a different bowl, but the same situation!"  Yeah agreed!

Let me sum up the above paragraphs in under 15 words; regarding 400 hundred years of slavery back then; and being "titled a "slave" (to date) in the 21 Century (of 2023), per the USC after being arrested in the US, and having the USC "dully conviction- slave loophole" law apply to any and all convicted prisoners ... who are not "slaves" ... but  are ... "100% whole human beings"!


  • Yes, we are achieving and will continue to do so; but too many of our BBS are still falling through the "premeditative institutionalized cracks".

Which seems to lead to several divides; in comparison with non-ethnic groups; and within our own black culture.  Some of us may feel unequal to our BBS in some kind of way (or another).  When it pertains to having less or more "status" than another BBS (may have)?  Regardless of our similarities we cannot all be grouped in the same categories.

  • However, the one factor that does group us in the same category, as Blacks, is that we are "all" connected to the USC, "as less than".  These are major issues that still need to be addressed, solved, and permanently eradicated. The constitutional distinctions that are erected in the USC towards blacks causes problems in our lives and communities: let me name a few: the USC "dully conviction-slave loophole", Voters Suppression/institutionalized racism/employment/qualified immunity for police officers, etc.

The USC racists language and legal code (notations) are troublesome for us in other areas too. Let's just say you never got roughed up, profiled or stopped in your car, neighborhood, or at the mall (by staff, neighbors, Police Officer); and you excelled in school; have great affiliations, and a great credit score!   Nice profile, but as long as racism is around everyone will be affected by it, regardless of their "status".   

  • As it stands, nothing "good" that we do or will ever achieve, can remove "any" of us, (blacks or whites) from the force and widespread pervasiveness of, Racism.  We may not (all) be harmed in the traditional ways of racism, but we as taxpayers we are (all) harmed in the non-traditional ways of racism. As taxpayers, everyone is physically, emotionally, and financially harmed by "Racism"! 

"Racism" cost this country Trillions, in taxes, regarding, civil lawsuits, riots, court cases, arrests, police and jail equipment, etc..  Also, every time each one of us looks at our store receipts and "TAX DEDUCTIONS" on our bi/weekly paychecks and yearly taxes, we have three reactions: a physical, emotional, and financial, reaction! LOL!  Our tax dollars are used as public money, towards solving public problems, and guess what, the rich are able to write off their taxes, for the most part.

So, the poor - middle - and upper-middle class, are left paying to many taxes period ... but the added burden of harm and taxes that we pay ... due to the racists, the premeditative cycle of abuse and deliberate "policy and constitutional" violence is, according to Mr. Nelson Mandela, ... "man-made problems that can be prevented with human actions".  By signing this petition, we are forming a collective human action. with each other ... and like-minded organizations!

My last note about gun violence and the prison system is that in Europe there is only a 2 percent crime rate; and police officers do not carry guns (on their hips). If something of urgency occurs, the cops bring the guns from out of the police station, on to the scene.  We have an "over-police state" in the USA because of the things that were stated above.  Having a non-combative PF in Europe, is not a coincidence, and neither is what the Supreme Justices are doing right now! 


  • The Supreme Court Justices (SCJ) are presently reviewing "everything" in the USC.  We see what some of the SCJ have done regarding reproductive rights and Voter's suppression with a sweep of a pen.  In regard to voting, that is not a PERMANENT RIGHT for blacks!  Voting Rights for Blacks were Amended, so it actually has to be "RESIGNED' back into law by a sitting president roughly every 10 or 25 years.  In addition, the Supreme Court has laws "to date" about Police Officers having, "Qualified Immunity."

Qualified Immunity is a slippery slope for all citizens; and especially to ethnic communities when you consider the history of the country with African American people. We have several officers and military members in our family - so we want to thank them for their service - along with ALL of the good officers that do their job in a professional ethical way! I have also worked very closely with New York Police Officers within my career. 

  • In many people's opinions, all of the abovementioned is why businesses, systems/structures, and violent policies, tend to treat our families with a de-humanizing, disregard; and it surely appears like the USC gives "them" the permission, incentives, and "immunity", to do so (immunity is defined as the protection or exemption from something, especially an obligation or penalty).
  • Nevertheless, this Power Up Petition", our independent efforts, and additional involved organizations; will allow us to keep moving the needle forward! 

We will continue to inspire and empower communities with needed services and impactful information. We do this by gathering and using resources tha combat messages and actions of harm, hate, gun violence, abuse, and inequality; that overwhelmingly affect BBS, the poor, and marginalized communities; which have been historically excluded; from achieving at their fullest potential; and have yet to feel as a race a "Defacto" and "car blanche" sense of security and safety in our lives and global world; as other races are privileged to feel (throughout the world).  

  • The above-mentioned challenges and triumphs are a part of our history, as Americans!  They are also a part of the exciting defining principles of Hack & Jac, who worked to leverage their careers; and who strived to overcome racial discrimination, stereotypes, financial equality, and employment inclusion! 

Part G:

  • We conclude and repeat that many advances and much progress have been made by our own families and the world at large!  However, multifaceted opportunities still need to be available and reachable to our families and communities as individuals and as a whole, regarding justice, equality and inclusion (JEI), within all organizations and institutions.


 Help us to obtain 1,000 signatures by May!

  • It takes two minutes to sign the petition & share the link with Family & Friends! 

PART I.                

  • Updated news about this Power Up Petition!

On May 20th we will give updated news about the petition and our progress! 



  • Thank you in advance, Family & Friends! For your voice, attendance, signature support, prayers, and love!  Please share this link and encourage other friends & family to help us protect JEI, and the Hack & Jack Legacy!

Part K:

  • Thanks, for the memories Hack & Jac!  Rest in peace and in power!  GOD bless you!  We love you, miss you, and will keep you near always, you won't be forgotten!  Rise higher, and higher, into GODs, love and eternal light!  


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