Close all kill shelter

  • par: Sandra Klein
  • destinataire: President Obama USA, , Klaus Johannis President of Rumania, and all Other Country Leaders WHO still accept kill shelter

Each day Animals Are in danger!, thousands of cute, Health and adoptable pets are sent to their deaths by the kill shelters. They just killing the Animals and their Death is Not human! Most of the People WHO think, they bring their PET to this shelter, their Animals Are Safe, but they aren't safe! The shelter kill them instead to protect them! This is a great injustice that has been neglected by our country's leaders. They just Do nothing against that! These dogs, cats, and other animals deserve a chance at a long and happy life!❤️

Please sign and Share!

 Support no kill shelter PLEASE!


Dear President Obama, Kanzlerin Merkel, President Johannis,

in respect to all Living beings i Kindly ASK you to Support NO KILL SHELTERS! 

Ms. Merkel, Can you please send an apell to your Counter Parts, telling them How WE handle shelters in Germany. 

There is no Need to kill animals, use the Budget to neuter the animals, to Forster them and to find forever homes! 

It is Not only USA, RUmania...there Are unfortunaltely a Lot of countries having still kill shelter-:(.

please Change your laws! Animals Are Not a Thing! They Are Living beings, with feelings, they Can Be happy, they Feel hurt, they give Love, 

stop kill shelters on Earth PLEASE

Mettre À Jour #5il y a 8 ans
Please SHARE this Important Petition! THANK YOU!
Mettre À Jour #4il y a 8 ans
I Need help please! WHO Can help me to make My Petition more attractive?
I'm from Germany and Maybe i did Not Found the right Words. Or the right responsibility? The right Title? The right picture?
All what I like to achieve is stop killing in Animal shelters on Earth! Is that too much?
Mettre À Jour #3il y a 8 ans
Unfortunaltely the Animal care taker so Not sign the Petition. It's unbelieveable! I'm soooooooooooooooooooooo SAD!
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 8 ans
THANK YOU for 502 Signatures so far!
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 8 ans
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