"Stop Animal cruelty " let's not let this pass our eyes

You guys can sign this petition to put an end to animal cruelty . Don't just sit around and do nothing about it take action and be part of something . Together we can put and end to this . It only takes one voice and action to stop this . This isn't obligated for you to sign. It's you're choice if you want to just watch and do nothing about it. Spread the word and take action . Little by little this will all end . This will end because we took part of something that was worth to stop .  

  I dicided to put end to animal abuse  because I wasn't going to wait for others to speak . Let's all work together to stop animal cruelty . I've seem animals being abused just so that others can ware fancy clothes . The fancy clothes is giving to those rich and nasty women . Just like cruilla_devil . That is called fur industry .  "Together we can and together we are one as a whole . Let's not walk and do nothing . Let's not give those abusers power because we are stronger .  Comment this -" stop animal cruelty" all over this page .  Let you're voice be heard . STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY 

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 9 ans
Comment this all over the page -" STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY " thank you guys for signing
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