Reasonable warranties on goods.

  • par: Gary Owens
  • destinataire: US and Canadian federal governments.

My truck's brakes and front wheel alignment messed up within one year of a three year warranty and I was told the maintenance work required to continue the warranty was more than stated in the manual (purchase agreement). My stove's extended 5 year warranty recently expired and a burner goes to "high" no matter what I set it at. My fridge froze things on the top shelf and the freezer compartment frosted up so bad that the entire fridge shut down and, after I defrosted it, it started making noises that actually woke me up at night... within ONE YEAR. My deep freezer doesn't freeze to the temperature required to be a "deep freeze" as per standards and neither does the freezer comprtment of my fridge freezer. My air conditioner messed up one month after the one year warranty was up.

Enough is enough. It's actually TOO much. A vehicle, a stove, a fridge, a freezer, an air conditioner fail far sooner than any should? Planned failure of "essential" and costly goods by large corporations as a way of generating profits by making such goods with poor quality components or designs which ensure failure before a reasonable life span is unacceptable.

If I pay $30k for a truck, it should truck. If I pay $600 for an air conditioner, it should air condition. If I pay $800 for a stove, it should not burn my food. If I pay a thousand dollars for a freezer, it should freeze. If I pay $1000 for a fridge... IT SHOULD NOT WAKE ME UP AT NIGHT AND FAIL AND I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO THROW OUT MY FOOD!!! To me, it's a contract... I pay you to freeze my food... you don't freeze my food... YOU breached the contract and you should pay for that.

Am I wrong? 

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