No More Parrots!

  • par: Pat Phillips
  • destinataire: Wendy Huntbatch, President, and Board of Directors of For the Love of Parrots Refuge Society

At present, The World Parrot Refuge complies with few if any Standards For Arboreal/Perching Birds as developed by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries, thereby jeopardizing the health, safety and security of the 800+ parrots therein. Those Standards address issues such as single species and mixed species flocks, cleanliness, the supervision of visitors, access to bathing, washroom facilities for staff and visitors, diet, quarantining, qualified medical diagnoses, treatment follow-up and safety of birds, staff and visitors alike, to name only a few.

We, the undersigned, want the intake of additional parrots to stop immediately and until such time as the World Parrot Refuge is in compliance with the above-noted Standards For Arboreal/Perching Birds. See:

At present, The World Parrot  Refuge complies with few Standards For Arboreal/Perching Birds Sanctuaries as developed by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries, thereby jeopardizing the health, safety and security of the parots therein.

We. the undersigned, want the intake of additional parrots to stop immediately and until such time as The World Parrot Refuge is in compliance with the above-noted Standards For Arboreal/Perching Birds Sannctuaries.

Mettre À Jour #3il y a 10 ans
Recently, a fire in a rescue resulted in the deaths of 24 parrots...from smoke inhalation. Imagine the pain and sense of loss. In 18 months of volunteering at the WPR, I didn't see one fire extinguisher or posted instructions in case of emergency, emergency training or reliable communication system. We need more signatures before luck runs out for the 800+ parrots there. Do you know a web master, church group members or local pet stores that might sign?
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 10 ans
Once again thank you for your support. Can you do more? We have such a long way to go yet. And I worry about some of the parrots, those for example who live on the cement floor, blind, walking through other parrots' droppings, some with crippled feet and no one to give them the kind of attention they may have become accustomed to. Please forward the petition's link to other parrot lovers, animal lovers and friends you know won't simply watch from the sidelines.
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 10 ans
My heartfelt thanks to all of you who have signed this petition. Please forward this site to those you think will help us. The parrots need your help more than ever now. As of yesterday, I am no longer permitted to visit the Refuge parrots.
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