Budweiser, Please Quit Mutilating Your Clydesdales' Tails!

  • par: Freya Harris
  • destinataire: Anheuser-Busch Board of Directors

The magnificent and iconic horses that symbolize Budweiser have an ugly secret: Their tails are amputated, either cut off or banded to stop blood circulation in order to give the horses a "cleaner" appearance. Not only is tail docking inhumane, it also means that the horses cannot protect themselves from annoying insects.

Docking horses' tails is illegal in 10 U.S. states and numerous countries. The American Veterinary Medical Association states that this "violates the AVMA's principles of veterinary medical ethics."

There is no need to chop off your beautiful Clydesdales' tails. They will look better if they have their tails intact. Please end the cruel practice!

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