This Holiday Season - Make Trade Fair for Farmers!

Family farmers around the world are suffering. But we can solve this problem by changing unfair trade policies. Our tax dollars supposedly support family farmers. But, in fact, they're predominantly benefiting a small number of wealthy, industrial-sized farms.

What's more, large government payouts lead to overproduction. Crops are dumped onto the world market and sold for less than the cost of production. That drives prices down, often making it impossible for family farmers in developing countries to make a living and feed their families.

This holiday season, join the tens of thousands of people around the US who are participating in Oxfam's Fast for a World Harvest and take a moment to email President Bush. Call on him to do his part to help end hunger by reforming US farm policy.
Dear President Bush:

More than two billion people in the world rely on farming to make a living. Many can't afford to send their children to school, buy basic medicines, or put food on the table -- because the rules of farming are rigged against them.

This holiday season, I've pledged to help the 842 million people around the globe who suffer from hunger. I'm asking you to help as well.

Struggling family farmers in the developing world deserve our help because: [your comment here]

Please reform this system. I implore you to stop using my tax dollars to support wealthy, industrial-sized farms. Please work with Congress to ensure that support for agriculture commodities does not also increase poverty for family farmers in the US and around the world.

[your name]
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