Tell Google that "Uterus" isn't a dirty word

Google recently released a new version of its keyboard for Android, and it comes with a list of 1,400 words that Google has decided are inappropriate for Android users -- meaning that Android's dictionary will not autocomplete these words, no matter the context. On the list of "inappropriate" words? Uterus, lactation, Tampax.

Words about women's health are not inappropriate. Censoring them is childish and unnecessary.

The point of stopping autocorrect from using inappropriate words is to make sure people aren't saying homophobic or hateful things. Banning autocomplete on words for women's body parts and functions reinforces the idea that there's something shameful about having these kinds of body parts and functions at all.

Sign the petition to ask Google to grow up and let users write about women's health.

Dear Google,

The point of stopping autocorrect from using inappropriate words is to make sure people aren't saying homophobic or hateful things. Banning autocomplete on words for women's body parts and functions reinforces the idea that there's something shameful about having these kinds of body parts and functions at all.

Please update your software to let users write about women's health.

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