We Reject ONLY the Insertion of "UNDER GOD"

  • par: Josh Dasher
  • destinataire: President Bush, The Supreme Court, Members of Congress
President Bush, Justices of the Supreme Court, Members of Congress:

Please take note that we, the undersigned support the decision of the 9th Circuit Court in California to declare the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional.

We do so for the simple reason that our constitution clearly calls for the separation of church and state. We believe that the Pledge of Allegiance should be changed back to the wording used before the 1950's, that is, without the insertion of "Under God."

To give proper respect to the constitution of the U.S. and to give meaning to the pledge of allegiance, we must support the basic tenents of what our founding father's believed! They wanted a government which protected diversity, minority rights, and separation of church and state. The Government role is NOT to define what its constituents believe or should believe. That is for us to decide for ourselves in the comfort of our homes, and not be linked to our allegiance to the nation!

The Undersigned.

President Bush, Justices of the Supreme Court, Members of Congress:

Please take note that we, the undersigned support the decision of the 9th Circuit Court in California to declare the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional.

We do so for the simple reason that our constitution clearly calls for the separation of church and state. We believe that the Pledge of Allegiance should be changed back to the wording used before the 1950's, that is, without the insertion of "Under God."

To give proper respect to the constitution of the U.S. and to give meaning to the pledge of allegiance, we must support the basic tenets of what our founding father's believed! They wanted a government which protected diversity, minority rights, and separation of church and state. The Government role is NOT to define what its constituents believe or should believe. That is for us to decide for ourselves in the comfort of our homes, and not be linked to our allegiance to the nation!

The Undersigned.
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