Parking Charges in Nailsworth will be a big blow for Community and Commerce

  • par: Diana S
  • destinataire: Nailsworth Area, UK

Please sign this petition and let the Council know how this will affect you.

Nailsworth is a place with a great variety of independent shops where you can pick up most things, meet up with friends, have a quick coffee. Free parking is significant factor in choosing to pop into Nailsworth.

The loss of our Banks has had a negative impact and a significant number of shops are struggling. Any further decrease in customers is seen as the nail in the coffin by a lot of shop owners.

If parking fees are introduced, neighbouring roads, the doctor's surgery, Morrisions, etc, will see an increase in people using their spaces which will cause a lot of issues.

The Council needs to raise money and see Parking Charges as an easy win. They need to know what people think and should consider the negative aspects of this change.

Mettre À Jour #4il y a 6 ans
The parking charges public consultation will close on 29th July. Please got to to register your objections if you have not already done so. Thank you!
Mettre À Jour #3il y a 6 ans
There's an important meeting Today (Tuesday, 10th July) at 6:30pm in Nailsworth Town Hall.
If Possible, please attend. It will let the SDC councillors know the strength of feeling against the impending parking charges.
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 6 ans
Please attend if possible: This Tuesday, 10th July 6:30pm in Nailsworth Town Hall. A meeting to discuss Town Council and Chamber of Trade actions to resist the impending parking charges.
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 6 ans
Re. Parking Charges in Nailsworth.
Thank you for signing the petition against parking charges.
Unfortunately, the Council has voted to proceed with the process which has now entered a public consultation period. This means you have an opportunity to make your thoughts known directly to the council by submitting your comments using the link, below. The more feedback they get the better.
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