Revoke the 501c3 for The Trixie Foundation aka Animals Yes! Appalachia Immediately!

LATEST UPDATE: skaggs' diversion ended 11/23 and he has started building his hoard. He is taking in large sums of money, going to concerts, purchasing clothing, eyeglasses, and hotel rooms, and REFUSING to spend money on those animals for necessary vet care. He was publicly told to get 2 dogs to the vet by the ACO and he has refused. He gave them expired wormer and tractor supply vaccines. He has a person living in one of those shacks. He is not withholding, the shack has NO septic so waste is running off into a waterway. 
EDIT: Since the last edit, skaggs has violated his diversion several times yet law enforcement and the county are failing to act. skaggs caused grievous injuries to Annie the pig and failed to seek veterinary care for her. The ACO wanted him charged, but the county failed to act.
This is what he did to that poor pig and he AGAIN has a pig with dogs.

GRAPHIC: Injuries caused to Annie the Pig by randy skaggs

Another worker had to put up a gofundme to escape that nightmare. ALL of it is happening again, feral dogs not being vetted, animals being put at risk, workers put in black mold cabins with NO PLUMBING, and animals being harmed yet KENTUCKY FAILS TO ACT!!! REVOKE HIS DIVERSION! CHARGE HIM! PUT HIM IN JAIL! 

EDIT: Since the last edit, skaggs took a Diversion Plea which is a guilty plea deal. He had to forfeit all the animals to TLC Rescue. He can have NO violations of law but he has and it has been ignored. He also filed to use an assumed business name. He is now using Animals Yes! and Animals Yes! Appalachia. "Animals Yes!" "Animals Yes! Appalachia". 

In spite of pleading guilty to 479 criminal charges revolving around animals, the state of Kentucky is allowing this notorious exploiter hoarder to take animals again. This is NOT OK. The 501c3 must be revoked! 

EDIT:  Since this petition was started,  all animals have been seized from The Trixie Foundation and skaggs was charged with a grand total of 479 charges. 

-179 counts cruelty to animals in the second degree from 2018

-179 counts of no rabies vaccine in 2018

-109 counts of cruelty in the second degree in May of 2020

-12 counts of improper storage of dead animals in May of 2020

He pled out and took a diversion plea, which is simply a slap on the wrist guilty plea. The terms of the diversion are shameful. He had to surrender all the seized animals to TLC Rescue, he was allowed to take 10 animals immediately. In January he will be allowed 13 more animals. In November of 2023, he is free to hoard again. He can have NO violations of law during the diversion. If he violates he will face all 479 charges again. 

Be sure to check the Facebook page! 


We respectfully request that the IRS immediately begin an investigation and take action to permanently revoke the 501c3 status of The Trixie Foundation, located in Webbville, KY and operated by Randy Skaggs.


A proper and thorough investigation will reveal he is committing inurement and personal benefit infractions. He is not following his own mission statement, nor is he running his foundation in a humane or ethical manner. The animals and employees live in squalor while Randy Skaggs buys beer. 

501c3 status is a contract of trust between a charitable group and the American people. Randy Skaggs has broken that trust since the beginning. The Trixie Foundation is little more than an exploitative hoarding operation that takes in large sums of money.

He claims The Trixie Foundation owns 300+ acres but the truth is the animals have remained on a filthy 3 acre plot for the entirety of the foundation's existence. It is a dangerous place for humans and animals alike. There have been many OSHA violations and he has paid fines for violations. His income has been in excess of $100,000.00+ a year yet he has no sanitary facilities. In fact, the workers do not even have a toilet or shower. They are given a can and a garbage bag for a toilet.

His website, profiles and mission clearly state that he spays and neuters, yet the male dogs are intact unless they arrive already neutered. The animals are denied the most basic veterinary care. They are not even given vaccines required by law. He is lying to the public and representing the foundation in a way that is a far cry from the reality...and the constant pleas for donations never end.

A good argument can be made that he is not operating a rescue, or a sanctuary, but rather a dangerous for-profit boarding facility. He demands large sums of money up front from people surrendering an animal and requires a monthly fee for the rest of the animal's life. Many of these animals are little beloved lap dogs or house cats. He specifically targets senior citizens. Those treasured companions are tossed outside in the mud and filth; many do not survive.

People are lured there to work by strange ads on Craigslist, touting tax-free pay and free housing. They arrive and find they have been scammed. They are made to sign up on food stamps which is then considered part of the "tax-free compensation package". He forces people to sign an illegal contract that strips them of basic rights. He forces people to work in an extremely dangerous situation where workers have been mauled and denied medical care. He does not pay payroll taxes for his employees. Many people have been trapped and some have even had to call the state police to help them escape his clutches. It is tragic, on so many levels, that people and their animals have to escape a no kill sanctuary where thousands of animals have perished and died.

Randy Skaggs is not operating an ethical charity and he should not be allowed to have 501c3 status. That status is a privilege that he does not deserve. Further, he should be made to repay the people he scammed. He should have to pay taxes on every penny he has taken in over the years. The land he purchased using this scam should be seized, as well as any other assets he may have fraudulently gained over the years.

Please revoke The Trixie Foundation's 501c3 status immediately and prevent people from being scammed by this man and his exploitative operation. Please prosecute him to the maximum extent of the law.

CLICK HERE for our Facebook page

Other methods have failed to put an end to this horrible situation due to poor Kentucky law and even poorer Kentucky law enforcement. The IRS should have the capability to do a proper investigation and the ability to stop the fraud. 



Randy Skaggs caught on camera beating dogs with 2x4's

Inspector Bark Podcasts on this situation

A Raid, a rescue and more trouble for the Trixie Foundation

Mettre À Jour #4il y a 3 ans
We reopened this petition and will resubmit it to the IRS. Please share it and help us hit 10K signatures.
The animals are still in the care of TLC Rescue.
Mettre À Jour #3il y a 6 ans
We have submitted the petition to Mr. Don Fort, Chief of Criminal Investigations @ IRS. We did not hit the goal but we had nearly 8K signers. A photo disc was sent with the printed materials & documentation.
I am not taking the petition down yet. People can still sign it and it's good for reference since there is a lot of info in the petition text.
We will update as soon as we hear something! Keep positive thoughts for success. The 501c3 for the trixie foundation, a true scam, MUST be revoked!
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 6 ans
We are just over 4000 signatures short of the goal.
Please see the new article from the Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting and video from Wave 3 News.
Please share the petition and let's get this submitted. Thank you all for your support!
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 6 ans

A raid on the property took place on 5/1 14 critically ill dogs and 4 very sick kittens were seized.
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