Keep Anti-Choice Ideology Out of the FDA

On Tuesday, June 29, 2004, President Bush's FDA reappointed W. David Hager - a staunch opponent of a woman's right to choose - to an advisory panel on reproductive health drugs. Dr. Hager, a practicing ob-gyn, not only refuses to perform any type of abortion, but will not even provide intra-uterine devices (IUDs), a widely accepted form of contraception, to his patients. Even more disturbing perhaps is the fact that Dr. Hager has recommended in print that women suffering from premenstrual syndrome should pray and read the Bible for relief from their symptoms.

And just as we feared, Hager has put his personal anti-choice views over science and public health. He voted to oppose the over-the-counter sale of the Plan B® emergency contraception, despite overwhelming support by the medical community and his fellow committee members.

The pro-choice movement is outraged by the Bush administration's continued commitment to filling key policy positions with ideologues who has put personal anti-choice views over science and public health.

Please sign this petition to show that pro-choice America opposes President Bush's stubborn insistence on jeopardizing women’s reproductive health in the name of his extreme anti-choice ideology.
Dear President Bush,

As a pro-choice American, I oppose the reappointment of W. David Hager and Susan Crockett to the Food and Drug Administration's Reproductive Health Drugs Advisory Committee. I also oppose your administration's strategy of placing anti-choice activists in key positions affecting reproductive health policy.

Both Hager and Crockett put their anti-choice views ahead of science and public health by voting against the over-the-counter sale of the Plan B emergency contraception, despite overwhelming support by the medical community and fellow committee members.

Advisory panels offer influential recommendations to the FDA that affect our nation's public health policies. Experts have a responsibility to base their input on scientific findings and medical accuracy - not ideology.


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