Pledge & Petition

Pledge:  I (YOUR NAME), pledge my stewardship to God over His creation by going out of my way to consume less energy (electricity/gas), recycle or reuse what I plan to discard. By becoming a better steward, I can make a difference in making myself, my neighbor, and God's planet healthier which pleases the One who has entrusted us with such a place to live.

Petition: We call for the students, faculty, and staff of Central Christian College of the Bible to take on a collective identity of stewardship in relation to God's creation. We ask that CCCB would begin to make awareness, sustainability and conservation a priority from large plans (engineering/maintaining of new buildings) to small (copying everything front to back or uploading all course documents, minimizing classroom paper). While stewardship seems to be a theological concern, we could also ask on purely a fiscal level that CCCB attend to these matters because they directly effect the bottom line at a school that operates on a tuition free basis, which could in turn allow more students in to participate. We would like to see the following considered:

  1. Recycling bins that could be placed in the dorms, Pelfry Hall, and the Reese Resource Center that would collect aluminum cans, plastic, tin, and cardboard

  2. Consuming creatively. The school should set the example in conserving electricity by encouraging teachers to turn off lights and projects when the room is vacant. This would encourage students to do the same and would turn off lights when not in their rooms and turning down their air conditioning units.

  3. Environmental concerns would be thought through when planning gets underway on new building projects. This may entail creative thought when it comes to waste disposal or gas and electric consumption.

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