Leave the Queen Mary ALONE!

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The Queen Mary is a time capsule. You walk onto her decks and you can FEEL the outside world disappear behind you.

She stands proudly in the water. As she has for years.

To history and Queen Mary enthusiasts, its nice to be able to go to this location in Long Beach, knowing she will be there waiting, and take a stroll on her decks. Eat in her restaurants and enjoy her art deco environment. A history buffs dream to be INSIDE an antique. She served in WWII. She has been through so much. Let her retire in peace.

To paranormal investigators, she is a beacon. She is so alive with paranormal activity that she has helped countless investigators gather evidence to support their case.

Well, someone wants to take her away from Long Beach and restore her to make her fit for sea travel again. Um. Okay. WHY would that be a good thing again?

To make her seaworthy again will take HUGE funding. Funding that a small Las Vegas entertainment company is obviously will to put up. Cairngorm Entertainment Group has formed a separate company with plans of buying the Queen Mary. This is all called The Queen's Project (www.thequeensproject.org).

Robert Sides III, president of The Queen's Project, said that the cost of purchasing the ship, removing the area surrounding it, moving it to San Francisco to restore it would cost $950 million to $1.5 billion. We need to take control and make these people with money stop being able to just do whatever they want by buying people off. There is more to this than MONEY. Her history. Her lore. Taking her apart to make her like new. How is THAT going to preserve her?

Why not take that money and build a whole new ship. The Queen Mary 2 cost $900 million to build. Why not just make one look identical to the Queen Mary we all know and love? Why does it have to be the ACTUAL ship?

There is an agreement between Long Beach and Cunard prohibiting the Queen Mary from being used for trade at sea or as a commercial cruise line, according to Deputy City Atty. Charles Parkin.

If you feel like I do about this amazing piece of history and of paranormal intriuge, please sign this petition.

Not to sound like that one guy who screamed, "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!" or anything...but "LEAVE THE QUEEN MARY ALONE!"

Astrologist Lady Mabel Harrison Fortescue, predicted in 1934, "She will know her greatest fate when she never sails another mile and never carries another passenger."

Let's keep it that way.

Thank you for your time.

Information gathered from:
LA Times Article
Press Telegram.com
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