• da: Tammy Wynette
  • destinatario: Thanks for signing! I've tried closing the petition several times, but it's not working.
*********************GREAT NEWS*******************
Animal Planet has announced Monday on their web site that it has removed Hell on Hooves from its programming!!!
Thanks to all of you caring folks who signed, commented and shared the petition! The petition is now closed, and the signatures have been sent to Animal Planet and CTV Globe media, its parent company. The petition had 700 signatures upon closing!

One small step toward evolution...

But for some reason, Care2 won't let me close this petition.
We, the undersigned, want to see Animal Planet remove the cruel show, or at least not renew it for the fall 2010 season. It makes no sense that such a great network would air a show that celebrates cruelty alongside other shows that rescue animals from cruelty.

This year, so far six horses have died during the Calgary Stampede rodeo. We all know this is a cruel and savage sport that abuses animals. We hope Animal Planet will stop supporting this atrocious cruelty.

Please, Animal Planet, do the right thing and stop supporting this cruelty. Take Hell on Hooves off the air.
Firma la petizione
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