Tell Councilmen Warren and Carr to support Homeless Shelters in their Neighborhood

Mayor Darrell Steinberg has a plan to help the homeless by providing them with shelters in the city of Sacramento, but Councilmen Allen Warren and Larry Carr are opposing potential homeless shelters in their respective districts.

A potential homeless shelter could be located at Marysville Boulevard and Grand Avenue, and another one could be close to a public transit station where homeless people would have easy access to the trains and buses, but Warren said those sites are "off the table" in his district. Two potential locations could be on Meadowview Road, next to the Pannell Community Center, but Councilman Larry Carr who represents the neighborhood has voiced opposition to a homeless shelter being built there. "There are some places where facilities like this just should not go. I don't think it's a good idea to put them near schools, libraries, or within close proximity to a community center."

Homelessness is a major problem in Sacramento and when there are solutions, such as building shelters around the city, politicians are against these proposed shelters being built in their neighborhoods. Please tell Councilmen Allen Warren and Larry Carr to drop their opposition to homeless shelters in their districts.

Aggiorna #16 anni fa
I had a conversation with Councilman Warren's field representative Daniel Savala (we're friends on facebook) and has said Warren has the only shelter in his district which is open 24 hours. Councilman Warren has responded to my e-mail and said all districts should be open to shelters. It should be in appropriate areas, he has been a leader on this issue and has been pushing the city to be more aggressive in its pursuit.
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