Stop Dwight Boykin from Killing Innocent Dogs

  • da: Dawn F
  • destinatario: Dwight Boykin

In preparation of the Super Bowl, councilman Dwight Boykin has decided to fund the euthanization of street dogs in Houston, TX. He is giving $50,000 to euthanize these harmless dogs to "clean up" the streets for the tourist. Please tell Dwight Boykin he should be giving this money to animal rescues that will help re-home these dogs instead of funding their execution.

Animal lovers across the world have signed this petition to stop the cruel act of murdering innocent dogs to put up an appearance for tourists. If you want these dogs off the streets you should donate the money you are using to fund their execution to local dog rescues. 

You are tarnishing your cities name with this cruel act. Houston will be forever remembered as the city that murdered dogs in preparation of the Super Bowl.  Football fans and animal lovers all over the world have signed this petition to show you that this cruel act will not be tolerated. Do not murder these poor dogs.

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