Fighting Back Now

We need some new laws to stop identity theft! I am writing to you with the hopes that you will take some action to help stop the fastest growing crime in America. Speaking first hand, I know how identity theft devastates lives. Identity theft is getting out of control because it is so easy to perform with minimal consequences. I have listed some items that desperately need to be addressed:

  • Pass the Social Security Number Misuse Act bill - Let's make it law. This law would cut back on social security number usage; and even though there would be a financial cost, it is imperative to our future generations that we get these numbers minimally used and protected. It should be mandatory that all social security numbers be taken off Drivers Licenses throughout the country and never used as identification by businesses.
  • Establish clear federal standards for breached information - The Data Accountability and Trust Act needs to be revised, making companies and financial institutions more accountable. No exceptions! Mass notification should be required in a timely manner! Why are institutions with inadequate security to begin with getting to decide if their breaches are significant enough for their customers to know they have been put at risk? No CEO is going to mention a problem if he/she doesn't have to. Let the consumer decide if it is a serious issue. We are ultimately the ones cleaning up the mess.
  • Impose prison sentences - Stiffer sentences are needed to detour the amateur crooks that make up a good proportion of the crime ring. I believe enforcing prison time will certainly reduce this crime.
  • Update the nation's death registry - Implement precautions so that credit bureaus and government agencies don't wind up issuing benefits to the deceased. We should stop grave-robbers. It is another way to protect the living.
  • Remove bad credit or a criminal record from victims - Why should fraudulent accounts against a victim's credit still be visible on their credit report? Why should crimes committed under a victim's name be a permanent stamp on them, e.g. a criminal record? Someone who is or has been a victim of identity theft should not have to pay penalties or pay for losses financially or reputably.
  • Free protection for all -
    • All states should have ID theft registries with a toll free number and password to give to police officers and other officials.
    • Drivers' licenses could have swipe identification, like credit cards, for banks to authenticate.
    • Passwords on bank and company accounts along with picture identification (if a customer wants these types of protection they should be able to get it).
    • No charge for extra verification coverage for new or existing accounts. Why should a consumer have to pay extra to be protected?
    • Federal mail keys and locks reissued across the country. Those keys and locks are old and need to be replaced.

I feel companies don't care how they get/generate business just as long as they have it. I no longer deal with companies or people that have misused my information. I no longer give them my patronage. I will continue to communicate their negligence, so that other customers will reconsider their business. As my representative, I would like to see a response from you regarding the identity theft epidemic. I will only vote for someone who takes action against this issue in the next election.

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