Florida Lawmakers, Stand by Ron DeSantis

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This petition is in regards to a petition already existing on the Care2, referenced here:


While it is important to hold our public officials accountable, it is also crucial to approach these discussions with an open mind and avoid making broad generalizations that may not necessarily be accurate. At counterpoint, we believe in presenting a fair and balanced view of the issues.

Though this petition will be largely discussing information found in another petition is is not targeted at any member of care2 or the petition in question. Instead the target of this petition is Florida Lawmakers. This is an attempt to counter points raised and provide truthful information about each concern so that Florida Lawmakers can hear all sides. Additionally, this petition will not make any derogatory statements and any claim will be cited. Let's explore the issue together and engage in a constructive dialogue that promotes understanding and mutual respect.

Challenging Claims

The governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis has been associated with many things. Some feel he is a champion for liberty or a light in darkness, while others feel he displays immoral attributes like that of a facist, racist, homophobe. This petition isn't here to tell you which you should believe, instead it's hear to tell the truth for you to make your own choices.

Claim: Ron DeSantis Loves making it harder for poor and black people to vote. The source of this claim, sources another source which references "S.B. 90" which it calls "an omnibus voter suppression bill that will make it harder for Floridians to vote." This source describes how, but outlining a few keypoints:

  • Requiring an ID or social security number to vote by mail.
  • Making voter regsitration more difficult
  • modifying observer rules
  • restricting refreshments for voters in line
  • restrictions a person having more than one ballot in their possession. 

Counterpoint:  Florida Lawmakers as a combined effort have worked to strength the integrity of Florida's elections by ensuring verification of all voters. 

While some states have recently changed to not require any form of identification, most require voters to bring identification to vote in person. It would stand to reason that the same rules should apply to remote forms of voting. Regarding an ID, while its understandable if someone has lost this or has not yet obtained one, an ID is required to do things as trivial as driving a vehicle, purchasing alcohol/tabacco products, opening a bank account, applying for government benefits, renting a car, boarding a plane, purchasing a firearm, purchasing an M rated video game and so much more. If you agree that these things should have ID requirements to avoid unlawful access then it would stand to reason that requiring an ID for something as important as voting is in regards to ensuring lawful access and restricting only unlawful access.

Regarding a social security number, Most American citizens do have a Social Security number because it is required for a variety of purposes, such as obtaining employment, paying taxes, and accessing certain government benefits. However, there may be some exceptions where an American citizen may not have a Social Security number, such as newborns who have not yet been assigned a number or individuals who have never worked or needed to access government benefits or someone with legal residency who is a green card holder. As a reminder, green card holders are not eligible to vote in federal elections, including presidential, congressional, and gubernatorial elections. Only U.S. citizens are eligible to vote in these elections. However, green card holders who are residents of some states may be eligible to vote in state and local elections, such as school board and city council elections, depending on the state's laws. Overall, though, it is safe to say that the vast majority of American citizens have a Social Security number.

Regarding an observer the primary "change" is more of a clarification around duplicates and situations where an observer should be present. For example, "The observer must be allowed to observe the duplication of ballots in such a way that the observer is able to see the markings on each ballot and the duplication taking place." Other sections go onto clarify that observer must be at a reasonable distance to actually "observe." The source fails to make an arguement for how this would harm elections unless the objective is to falsify or duplicate ballots.

Regarding people not being able to hand out "snacks or water," this is not at all stated in the bill. Instead it says, "No person, political committee, or other group or organization may solicit voters inside the polling place or within 150 feet of a drop box or the entrance to any polling place, a polling room where the polling place is also a polling room, an early voting site, or an office of the supervisor where vote-by-mail ballots are requested and printed on demand for the convenience of electors who appear in person to request them." The word food, or water or refreshment is not mentioned once in the bill and the key context is under the guise of solicitation. This is the same claim that was made about George State law election updates, which was also proven to not be correct. As outlined by NBCnews "The legislation would now ban anyone from "engaging in any activity with the intent to influence or effect of influencing a voter" but allow election supervisors to provide "non-partisan assistance," such as giving items to voters within the restricted zones."

Regarding ballot possession, the penalties related to this are in regards to ballot harvesting. It does not affect someone who helped bring their mothers or sons ballot on their behalf. It is instead a direct response to illegal activity where people openly admitting to violating the law by harvesting ballots in mass for money, pressuring people to change their vote, altering or tossing out ballots they disagreed with.

Regarding vote-by-mail restrictions in general. Florida has one of the most robust vote-by-mail systems in the country, and any registered voter in Florida can request a vote-by-mail ballot for any reason. Voters who choose to vote by mail can also request to be added to the state's vote-by-mail list, which allows them to receive a ballot for every election during a two-year cycle. Its also worth noting that you can still request a ballot in florida at myflorida.com 

Finally, there is no claim against any race or other protected class in the bill and according to Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey the majority of Americans regardless of the political affiliation or race support requiring IDs to vote. 

  • 74% of white voters say that photo identification should be required when voting.
  • 69% of black voters say that photo identification should be required when voting.
  • 82% of other minorities say that photo identification should be required when voting.
  • 89% of Republicans support voter identification requirements.
  • 60% of Democrats support voter identification requirements.
  • 77% of politically unaffiliated voters support identification requirements.

Source: https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/lifestyle/general_lifestyle/march_2021/75_support_voter_id_laws

Additionally consider that DeSantis won his election due to increased support from minority communities especially the Lation community:

Source: https://www.news4jax.com/vote-2022/2022/11/09/analyzing-the-data-desantis-wins-by-largest-margin-of-any-fla-governor-in-40-years/

Claim: Ron DeSantis loves when Floridians die unnecessarily of COVID and actively covers up actual death rates from the virus.

Counterpoint: The source provided does not actively support the claim, rather it seems the claim is a subjective interpretation of the the source. The source also does not provide any counter data to dispute the statements made by Ron DeSantis so instead we'll look at his statements and fact check them directly.

Ron DeSantis claimed that florida was overstating it's deaths on covid by ruling non-covid deaths as covid deaths. While the scale of this is more difficult to determine, anecdotally this is true. There are instances where suicides, homicides, and vehicular accident related deaths have been counted as part of covid related deaths. 

Source: https://www.newsweek.com/florida-man-killed-crash-listed-covid-19-death-raising-doubts-over-health-data-1518994

Claim:  "Ron DeSantis loves pretending to support free speech, only to work as hard as possible to ban books, preventing students from learning about actual, proven inequalities - based on race, gender, or sexuality. And as of late, Ron DeSantis really loves waging a war on trans people and making it all but impossible to access gender-affirming care."

Counterpoint:  Books are not being "banned" to the general public, however, books that contain pornographic material or misrepresent their subject matter are removed from grade to highschool libraries. 

Examples of the books removed are those that bring up politics in a math text book which is suppose to be apolitical, and depictions of minors performing sexual acts on one another. Infact some of the books are so graphic that if we were to link them here, it would be considered a term of service violation, so why would this be appropiate for children? Even so, these books are still available for the general public. On the contrary, was far left political activist that had books like "To Kill a Mocking bird" removed which actually did teach about inequality. 

Regarding trans-affirming healthcare, no one should descriminate against someone based on their identity. Whether this is discrimination depends on what your definition of that is. In the state of Florida, ANY minor is still able to receive all ranges of medical and therapuetic services, regardless of their gender identity, however since they are unable to consent to sexual intercourse, unable to vote, unable to get a tattoo, unable to work full time, unable to join the military Ron DeSantis also feels they are not able to get life altering cosmetic surgury in the state of Florida. This boils down to the idea of "can a child consent," and where you line up to that. 

Claim: Ron DeSantis has unchecked power after he stripped the ability for anyone to oppose him.

Counterpoint: There is no source for this claim, its just a statement. However, the statement is false.

In Florida, the governor's power is kept in check by a system of checks and balances between the three branches of government: the executive, legislative, and judicial branches.

The Florida Constitution grants the governor the power to appoint and remove certain officials, propose a state budget, veto legislation passed by the legislature, and serve as commander-in-chief of the state's National Guard, among other responsibilities. However, the governor's power is limited by other branches of government.

The Florida Legislature, made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate, has the power to pass laws and override a governor's veto with a two-thirds majority vote in each chamber. The legislature also has the power to impeach and remove a governor from office for wrongdoing.

The judicial branch, which includes the Florida Supreme Court and lower courts, has the power to interpret the law and determine whether the actions of the governor or other government officials are constitutional.

In Florida, a recall election for governor can be initiated if a petition to recall the governor is signed by at least 15% of the total number of voters in the previous election for governor. The signatures must be collected within a period of 180 days.

If the petition is deemed valid by the Florida Division of Elections, a recall election will be scheduled. The recall election will consist of a "yes" or "no" vote on whether to remove the governor from office. If a majority of voters vote "yes," the governor will be removed from office and replaced by the lieutenant governor.

Claim: Floridians and the overwhelming majority of Americans are horrified at the direction Ron DeSantis is taking florida. 

Counterpoint: Ron DeSantis is not only one of the most popular governors Florida has had in decades, he is at a four year high in his approval polls. He has a higher approval rating than the president of the United States. 

Source: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/campaigns/desantiss-approval-rating-florida-jumps-poll

In Conclusion

There is a code of ethics referenced that all politicans should follow. Due to the claims made in the petition in question appearing to be erroneous and his overwhelming approval numbers it is safe to say that Ron DeSantis is following his code of ethics even if he has his detractors, as all free countries should. For if we do not have the ability to disagree, we have no freedom at all. 

If you found the arguements here compelling, please consider signing this petition so that Florida lawmakers can hear your voice. 

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