Award Senator John McCain with the Congressional Medal of Honor

    We, the undersigned, urge the Congress of the United States of America to recognize the lifelong service of Senator John McCain to his country by awarding him the highest of accolades: The Congressional Medal of Honor. A graduate of the United States Naval Academy in 1958, Senator McCain began his life of service to his country at the age of 22. He served as a Naval Aviator until being shot down over Hanoi in 1967. He served the remainder of the Viet Nam War as a prisoner of war (POW) at the notorious Hanoi Hilton. Forced to participate in a Viet Cong propoganda film, McCain used this opportunity to communicate to his superior officers that prisoners were tortured by spelling "T-O-R-T-U-R-E in morse code with his blinking pattern. McCain declined opportunities to be released early and remained a POW until the end of the War in 1973. He has suffered life long pain and disability arising from. The torture he was subjected to as a prisoner of war. He retired from the Navy as a Captain in 1981, and in 1982 began his career serving his country in the House of Representatives. After serving two terms as a Congressman, he was elected to the United States Senate in 1986, where he has continued to serve his country for over 30 years. In 2008 he led his party in the presidential election, losing to President Barack Obama.

    With the possible exception of the founding fathers, no man or woman has shown such a consistent lifelong commitment to serving his country. He continues to offer his life, his honor and his sacred name to the service of the United States. He is, was, and remains a hero in a time all too bereft of those who act with true conviction. Being neither beholden to "the party line", nor owned by those who have contributed to his campaigns, Senator McCain places his votes in the legislature entirely in keeping with his convictions for the good of the Country he so deeply loves and has so long served.

    As he ages and faces a potentially devastating illness, we, the citizens of this country, should lose no time to thank him for this lifetime of service.

    In an error of cookie cutter politicians, Senator John McCain is a true American hero.
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