Keep Unique Asheville NC Art Graffiti Alive!!!

Unique art culture of Asheville being wiped away! OUTRAGEOUS amount of wasted dollars spent on petty desire to change who this city is.

There is a deep and unique love by tourists, photographers, artists, locals and everyday new discoverers of the good kind of artistic graffiti this city has.

$300,000 from Asheville budget spent and

$500,000 from an anonymous donor.

Wow. $800,000. Really?

Shouldn't there have been a vote or even meeting attendance allowed of the local citizens as well?!

We plea for there to be consideration of the citizens voices and their opinions and input as well. For a shot at the true overall opinion. For a fair vote. A fair meeting with more than just city council.

I understand the inappropriate/vulgar graffiti being removed, but these are famous graffiti spots such as Chicken Alley' and the bridge art graffiti and that will be among the many beautiful places many enjoy to be wiped away of it's unique charm that sets Asheville apart. Our city doesn't display typical graffiti or gang graffiti. It's rare and beautiful art-form by our talented artists!

Doesn't sound like they will just be cleaning up the rare inappropriate spots of graffiti. Gone will be the preserved art form of graffiti most overall enjoy. Do owners not only consider that people come out to their store areas for that as well? What a waste of our money and the obvious influence this anonymous donor can push with their views.

City council met. There was no citizen consideration.

GRAFFITI leanup Schedule

News Article

Updated: 3 months ago:

PSC committee graffiti staff report

Sign this petition and send an email to about your feelings of this outrageous budget spent on losing Asheville art!

Oh, AND a their statement declaring: "However, starting in October, the city will start billing the property owner for cleanup costs."


If this were my opinion alone, I wouldn't be writing this plea for petition.

I believe our inhabitants and tourists are unaware this is even taking place!

Thank you for your time. And your love for Asheville's unique art.


Dear Asheville City Leaders & the Anonymous Donor,

There is a deep and unique love by tourists, photographers, artists, locals and everyday new discoverers of the good kind of artistic graffiti this city has.

We plea for there to be consideration of the citizens voices and their opinions and input as well. For a shot at the true overall opinion. For a fair vote. A fair meeting with more than just city council.

Please consider some of the unique and historical graffiti that is not vulgar or offensive. It is treasured art form! If all is wiped away, a major part of this city is wiped away forever. These historical forms of art graffiti cannot be re-done. You will take away a major part of the heart of the Asheville culture.

Please consider more of the overall voice of this city and the overall kind of graffiti we have. It cannot be simply compared to other cities who have more gang related graffiti than art graffiti.

Thank you so very much for your time and thoughtful consideration,

The Voice of the Citizens

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