Arin Hanson Voices Sonic The Hedgehog in 2018 Sony Pictures Film

  • da: birdurer
  • destinatario: Arin Hanson (Egoraptor) from Game Grumps

Arin "Holds the Wiimote in between his toes" Hanson.

The same Arin who was dumped by Jennifer (by the way, she called him last night, he thinks they can make it work.)

"Is there any challenge that life can throw at me that I can’t conquer with style and ease?"

— Arin Hanson, 2016

Arin Joseph Hanson (born January 6, 1987), more prominently known by his internet pseudonym, Egoraptor, is an American animator, cartoonist, voice actor, rapper and Internet personality. He is known for his animated webseries, The Awesome Series, in which Hanson parodies various video game franchises, including Pokémon, Metal Gear, Ninja Gaiden, and Final Fantasy. He is also known for being the co-star of the popular YouTube Let's Play webseries, Game Grumps, producing and singing/rapping in video game parody band Starbomb, and for his animated comedy video game review series Sequelitis.

Sega Sammy Group is currently planning with Sony Pictures to create a live-action and animation hybrid "Sonic the Hedgehog" movie scheduled for release in 2018. Like with this CG animation production, we would like to expand our business into other entertainment areas beyond what we are currently involved.

Like Nintendo, Sega is clearly looking at ways of using its existing IP to make money in other arenas. Sega has aggressively pushed mobile development in recent years and - despite ignoring a large portion of its amazing back catalogue - is well aware just how popular the Sonic character is.

A movie is a logical way of giving the Blue Blur more exposure, but historically these ventures have an inconsistent history - as Super Mario Bros. the Movie proves. What do you think the Sonic film will end up like?

Once this petition gets enough signatures we can make it know to Sony Pictures and to Arin himself (surprise, buddy)

(excerpts taken from Egoraptor Wikipedia page and

Here's some info on the Sonic The Hedgehog Sony Pictures Film

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