End false imprisonment for those accused of sexual crimes!

    My name is Preston Woods and I am the victim of a witch hunt started by the government to put people who are accused(guilty or not) of committing a sexual crime in a world of complete and utter turmoil. 15 years ago, I was falsely accused of attempting to touch a girl on her breast. The "victim" in my case was no one I knew or ever wanted to. You can see the details of my arrest online at the national registry website. I have never before or since been accused of anything inappropriate in any manner and would like the opportunity as a Christian father of a young daughter myself to be a witness to her. If I may beat this and move on from it, I know that my testimony in her life will be strengthened all the more and I can hold my head high knowing that I will never have to be ashamed again. I will never again have to forcefully tell her no when a childhood friend wants to sleep over or play in my home without my wife having to be present. I have dealt with this for fifteen years now and it cost me my Navy career, my bonus, and years of my life that I can never recover. I also live in the state of Alabama, which is the toughest state in the union on sexual offenders. I am required in my home state to register for life, where other states do allow me to come off of the registry after a certain set time. You may say, "why not move there then and be done with it? " I say to you, it will never be done in my home state without a pardon. So I'm begging you kind-hearted masses, please help me to end the injustice in my own life and allow me to stand up for others who have been persecuted in an unjust manner as well. I will be glad to answer any and all questions through my contact information that will be posted on Facebook. Thank you for your time and consideration. Please know that instant for those accused and guilty of only one offense of a minor nature such as myself.
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