Everyone knows or have a family member that use's drugs, and the heroin is killing our youths leaving parents at a cross road of pain, unable to get them to sign them-selves in rehab. Take action now! Not after their death. To many children are left without their parents and many follows that negative habit from their burden of pain growing up with out that motherly or fatherly love. Let get together and fight this plague that's killing our families.

I feel with there being so many Youths using heroin, and causing heart breaking pain throughout homes, and by refusing to commit themselves into an Intervention or Rehab program these youths as well as adults are criminals. They commit crimes to support their Junky habits of killer desires! Now is the time we the people must step up to help save whomever we can, and we all have or know of someone that is user's. Let’s take the stepps they fight too/or not to do, and sign a petition where they’ll be held for whatever crime they commit and give families and/or courts the power to have them start serving time immediately beginning in a Rehab-Facility towards getting clean or jail depending on their crime or crimes. It is a shame how society turned their heads while heroin has been killing blacks for years, and now it have hit middle and rich families and the Narcan (naloxone) is an antidote, that’s being given like a birth control or asprin on a daily base to save lives; many people return to the killer drug after they're revived. The time has come for our voices and signatures to become the antidote, stripping the drugs from their system placing them on lock down as the criminal they are to their bodies and the children they've left behind and broken hearted family who has begged and prayed that a door will open to eliminate herion and other harsh drugs from our system. While many become what they're taught for the love of drugs, this is no longer about race or gender it’s about, “LIFE OF CHILD!”
Aggiorna #17 anni fa
Many feels embarrassed to address that they have a drug addiction in their family or a freind, but the truth is they're the true embarrassment for not stepping up to loan them a help in hand to make a comeback. I want deny that I have a love one which the heroin has taking control over her life and I'm now raising her child to give them a better and safe life. Heroin has become like a bullet a day killer; so let's not become part of the problem, and give our signature as a solution.
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