Non violent offenders should be allowed to protect their homes and family..give us back our rights!!

We live in a world where juveniles are now running around with guns committing big felonies, shooting people for no other reason other than trying to be a gangster...let alone the vast majority of threats we face foriegn and domestic that leaves the people wanting, no needing to protect their homes at any cost..non violent offenders, or people who have commited a felony of a lessor nature, have been stripped of their amendment rights to protect themselves and their homes by owning guns..the only thing that you can defend yourself against when the enemys are threatening gun violence..i believe those people should be given back the right to bear arms..its the only way we all can defend our homes, state, and country to the fullest. Its like bringing a knife to a gun fight because thats all we're allowed to own..At this point probably up to 50% of the population is unarmed due to this restriction..we are an unarmed country in a very evil and unfare world..there can be regulations and restrictions set in place to prevent if there isnt enough scrutiny on gun laws as it is..but hey, at least its a start in the right direction.

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