They Allegedly Stole Pets From a Store Just to Murder Them

  • da: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: Oklahoma City officials
Around 3:30pm, two people entered a Petland pet store in Oklahoma City. At first, everything seemed normal: the pair requested to play with a puppy, just like other customers do.

Then they proceeded to go on a rampage of death and destruction.

Sign the petition to demand justice!

One of the individuals walked up to a cage with a parakeet inside, reached it - and broke the trapped animal's neck. Next they headed to an enclosure with rabbits, and strangled a bunny with their bare hands. Before fleeing the store out into the broad daylight, the pair made sure to steal a guinea pig and a hamster.

It only took one day for police to find out what happened to the hamster. Staff discovered the animal dead in the area's parking lot, stomped to death. Authorities have not yet located the missing guinea pig, and have no knowledge of what it may have endured.

Luckily, police were able to quickly identify both individuals. Now we need to make sure this never happens again.

People who would be so sadistic and cruel obviously are experiencing deep psychological pain. The surest way to protect other animals - and people too - is to mandate that both individuals receive intensive psychotherapy! Authorities must also ban them from ever owning, living, or working with animals!

Urge officials in Oklahoma City to keep other animals safe by banning these individuals from owning animals, and court-ordering counseling sessions. Sign the petition now!
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