Make VH1 Withdraw Their Bully-Promoting Anti-Bullying Ad

  • da: Tracey Greig
  • destinatario: VH1 and the ad agency responsible, Del Campo Saatchi & Saatchi

According to, "VH1 targets all the bullies in the world with this hilarious global effort. . .  The gorgeous, cinematic musical short stars a bunch of school-age misfits and geeks being tortured and brutalized by their mean-spirited peers. But in the long-run, the victims know the tables will turn dramatically.

However,, makes the claim that ". . . the video's message of empowerment is similar to that of the "It Gets Better" campaign that encourages LGBTQ youth not to let their tormentors get the better of them. But while those ads acknowledge the misery of being bullied, VH1's video seems to make light of the situation as something children will look back on and laugh about when they're older.

As a "survivor" of school, home, work, church bullies, I have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. I was consumed with panic as I watched this ad. There was NOTHING funny about it. It's just sad & scary. To make light of the emotional stress & psychological damage the victims experience isn't acceptable, so I am asking you to sign my petition to make VH1 withdraw the ad. It will cause more damamge than it will help.

Dear Members of the Petition Committee: I am writing this letter in order to petition for removing VH1s Anti-Bullying Ad in based on the following grounds: 1. The ad glorifies the perpetrator, 2. It makes light of the trauma experienced by the victim, and 3. “it tries to convince victims that being bullied isn't so bad. The circumstances surrounding my petition are: 1. While watching the ad, I suffered a panic attack & had vivid flashes of the torment I went through in school, 2. The ad acknowledges the misery of being bullied, VH1's video seems to make light of the situation as something children will look back on and laugh about when they're older, and 3. It’s saying that the victims of bullying shouldn’t fight back because it will all work out in the end. I would appreciate your approval of my petition. Thank you for your kind attention to this matter

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