Bring back Money Quest Nickelodeon

Nickelodeon was a fantastic game that provided many people (such as me) with a sense of enjoyment and it appealed to all audiences and - unlike everything Nickelodeon is making now - it WASN'T MINDLESS! It didn't just start you off with a protagonist who you know nothing about but you continue playing the game anyway because the character has a cool name or something, it gave you a back story, you CREATED your monkey, and while playing, you actually gained somewhat of a connection for the fictional character and cared for it quite a bit! This was a great game! I'm not forcing you to sign, whoever you may be, but just know this : every signature counts, and by doing this one little act, taking a bit of time just to type a few letters onto a petition, you are helping me and so any others who loved Monkey Quest, you are making a difference, and bringing me just a tiny bit closer to my goal. So if you sign(ed), thank you. If not that's ok too, but would it of killed you to?

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