• da: MmAway
  • destinatario: Care2

Taking down profiles on people that counted on "YOU" disturbs me ~ made people move to other sites. YOU COULD OF DONE SOMETHING WITH ASKING FOR $$$ Most people to say here would of done what they could DO. You MESSED UP WIPING OFF everything. CRUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am trying for some precious ones that are upset to help. NO PROFILE YOU JUST WIPED OFF PEOPLE! INSANE!!!!  Sad YOU DIDN'T Care or SHOULD OF ASKED SOME OF US that were here for decades to help w/o ADS since we dealt with so many CRASHES on COMPUTERS with all you had.  You got rid of Zen years ago...others profiles etc,  REALLY???  This site NEEDS TO BE CALLED CARE LESS Only PROFIT!  You lost so much and could had it all IMHO.  SAD you MISSED THE BOAT and had Brain hurt or Money GREED!    I'm am positive this will be DOWN FAST SO IT IS COPIED! 

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