Abolish the J-1 Visa Program-Protect American jobs

This is a petition to gain statewide and nationwide attention to a huge threat facing American workers on American shores: The J-1 Visa Student Worker Program.
 Just as the H1B Visa threatens American high-tech workers and their American jobs, the J-1 Visa is being used to avoid hiring full-time American workers in the service industry, most notably the theme park and resort business, especially in Florida. Not only is the J-1 Visa being improperly used, it is creating an artificial depression in wages and benefits paid to existing American workers by unfairly cheating the economic law of supply and demand.
Many student foreign workers from countries such as China, Brazil and Mexico, for example, earn HUGE returns on money sent back to their homeland due to the difference in currency exchange rates. For example, a Chinese worker earns a paultry $7 an hour in a J-1 Visa job in America(formerly performed by an American). With the currency exchange rate of 6 Chinese yuan to each American dollar, he's really earning a whopping $42 an hour! Mexican student workers earn even more at our minimum wage, averaging more than $94 an hour!

The J-1 Visa student worker program means 1) Big business wins by keeping labor costs down 2) Foreign workers WIN by earning huge sums of money, and 3) American workers LOSE by having their wages and benefits suffer due to this practice of "labor dumping." Thousands of Americans TODAY are even being denied employment, as hiring overseas continues, despite record unemployment!

Please sign this petition to send a clear message to our government and American corporations to STOP outsourcing American jobs on our own shores with the J-1 Visa, and demand a voter referendum on this matter.
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