Demand an End to Animal Deaths at PETCO by groomers!!!!!!!!!!

Please sign so we can have camera's and better background checks on the people who groom dogs at Petco. Another dog has died and this is so uncalled for. These people who have killed by being a groomer must have issues. They should not be around animals EVER! Lets get this checked into. No one should ever take their dog in to be groomed and go to pick them up and they are dead. Not Right! Questions need to be answered. NOW! There has been too many deaths at Petco. So lets get this stopped NOW!!!!!!!

We have got to get this stopped about these PETCO GROOMERS killing animals to be groomed. This is so uncalled for. If they can't have camera's & a supervisor and background checks on these people. They should shut down their grooming business Now!!!!!

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