Add Mental Health Education to Grade School Curriculum

    Did you know that 5,000 adolescents commit suicide a year another 600,000 are hospitalized for self-injury? To put it in different terms, that would be like attending roughly 14 funerals a day. That’s 14 funerals a day that could be avoided with proper mental health education. Kids who don’t have mental health issues look down on the kids who do. This negative stigma is one reason why our education needs to be improved in grade school.
    There is little to no education on mental health and coping strategies in grade school. Due to this lack in education kids aren’t getting the support they require in order to excel in life. The current education also provides no effort in ending stigmatisms surrounding mental health.
    We hope to create a curriculum that can be incorporated into grade school systems that will help children cope with their mental health problems. We hope the curriculum could also reduce the stigma surrounding mental health. By educating teachers they will also be able to recognize the signs of depression and other disabilities and know how to properly care for these students so that they don’t fall behind in school.
    By signing this petition it will show congress how important mental health education is to society because 5,000 childhood deaths from suicide is 5,000 to many.
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