No One Should Die from a Preventable and Treatable Disease

  • da: ONE Campaign
  • destinatario: President Obama and world leaders
No one should die from a preventable and treatable disease, no matter where they live or whether they were born a girl or boy.

But right now three out of every four adolescents in Africa who contract HIV are girls and about 15 million pregnant women remain without access to preventative treatment for malaria.

Solutions are available. The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria has helped bend the curve of AIDS and saved more than 17 million lives since 2002. But further progress won't happen unless world leaders urgently step up their support.

When the Global Fund is fully financed it can save 8 million more lives over the next 3 years.

Tell world leaders to support the Global Fund now.
More than 17 million people are alive today because of your investments in the Global Fund's work to fight AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria. Please fully finance the Global Fund so it can save 8 million more lives over the next 3 years.
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