Repeal the Devastating Global Gag Rule!

With a very small investment, the United States could dramatically improve poor women's lives overseas. The overseas family-planning program could substantially help couples plan their families and avoid unintended pregnancy. But unfortunately, President Bush has crippled the program by imposing the global gag rule on overseas health clinics!

Because of President Bush's horrendous policy, women and families in developing countries are missing enormous opportunities for help. Luckily, the Senate recently voted to repeal the dangerous and divisive global gag rule by a vote of 53 to 41! But President Bush has already threatened to veto any bill that includes a pro-choice provision, including this one.

Ask Congress to stand firm against Bush's global gag rule and make sure women around the world have access to family planning services!

Dear [Congress member],

As your constituent, I'm writing to ask for your commitment to make sure that the Boxer/Snow amendment, repealing the devastating global gag rule, is included in the final support the Senate version of the FY'08 Foreign Operations spending bill that will be sent to the president.

With a very small investment, the United States could dramatically improve poor women's lives overseas. In particular, the overseas family-planning program could substantially help couples plan their families and avoid unintended pregnancy. But unfortunately, President Bush has crippled the program by imposing the global gag rule on overseas health clinics. Because of Bush's horrendous policy, we are not only missing enormous opportunities to help women and families in developing countries, we are stifling democracy.

[Your comment here]

Please fight to keep the global gag rule repeal in the final FY'08 Foreign Operations spending bill.
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