Prime Minister Gillard: Overhaul the Current Indigenous Jobs Strategy!

  • da:
  • destinatario: Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Indigenous Economic Development Minister Julie Collins
Unemployment is one of the biggest and most difficult contributing factors to Aboriginal disadvantage in Australia. Indigenous Australians have suffered centuries of systematic discrimination and injustices, which continue to affect their chances at attaining jobs today.

To start to heal these long-standing injustices towards indigenous Australians, we need government action to prod our society towards making noticeable change. The current jobs strategy has involved training programs that have not always provided skills sets that lead to a job. If the government makes sure that these programs are more effective and efficient use of the government's money, everyone wins.

But the Australian federal government has postponed indefinitely its plans to put in place a new model to help train indigenous Australians for the work force. Indigenous Australians have waited long enough for fairer opportunities.

Sign this petition to urge Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Indigenous Economic Development Minister Julie Collins to overhaul the current indigenous jobs strategy in the May budget.
Dear Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Indigenous Economic Development Minister Julie Collins:

I am writing to express my deep concern for your reported decision to postpone indefinitely the much-needed plans to overhaul the current indigenous jobs strategy.

[Your comments here]

Unemployment is one of the biggest and most difficult contributing factors to Aboriginal disadvantage in Australia. In order to tackle this long-standing issue of economic inequality between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians, we must start by taking steps to close the gap in employment between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians.

Indigenous Australians have suffered centuries of systematic discrimination and injustices, which continue to affect their chances at attaining jobs today.

If we are to succeed in healing these long-standing injustices towards indigenous Australians, legislative change is mandatory in order to prod our society towards making noticeable change.

Indigenous Australians have waited long enough for fairer opportunities. Please take action on this issue--I strongly urge you to overhaul the current indigenous jobs strategy in the May budget.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

[Your name here]
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