I Know it’s illegal in the USA to libel, slander, defamation and threatening on the internet and on internet websites

    Corey Connor that works at the LSUAgCenter Rice Research Station North Farm in Crowley in Acadia parish, Louisiana. This Corey Connor is bossy and he got laid off from his previous job before coming back to the LSUAgCenter Rice Research Station North Farm in Crowley in Acadia parish, Louisiana. Remember I’m not a tough guy and I don’t want to be tough.This is not a hoax. This is not acting, this is for real.( this not joke)
    Aggiorna #14 anni fa
    Now if I wanted to hear someone ask me a question, I would have went up to the testifying witness stand in a civil court trial of any kind and ask that person to ask his or her question to me so I can hear it. This is not a hoax. This is not acting, this is for real.( this is not a joke)
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