Cat, Clyde,at beaten, sodomized by Steven Richard Schatz

District Court Judge Neil Axel finds 38-year-old Steven Richard Schatz guilty of beating the family cat. He was acquitted of committing a perverted sexual practice with the cat.Sentencing is scheduled for May 29, 2005. We petition that he serve up to 3 years in prison, that he undergo psychological counseling and that he never has an animal in his possession.
District Court Judge Neil Axel finds 38-year-old Steven Richard Schatz guilty of beating the family cat. He was acquitted of committing a perverted sexual practice with the cat. 

“Based on the information obtained during the investigation it was
determined that the cat “Clyde” was the victim of intentionally
inflicted physical abuse that ultimately resulted in his death. It was
also determined that the suspect, Steven Schatz, willfully and
intentionally inflicted the injury upon the animal.

determination was based on the injuries that were observed and
documented by the Veterinarian as well as evidence collected. The
injuries show that the animal had been systematically abused over a
period of time.

The exam also showed that the animal had been
sodomized during the abuse causing internal injuries. It is suspected
that Schatz would wrap Clyde up the yellow and blue fleece shirt to
protect himself from Clyde’s claws. Once the animal was secured Schatz
would inflict abuse upon the animal by hitting him and sodomizing him.
The tape recording of the abuse obtained by (his girlfriend) provided
audio recorded evidence of the animal’s abuse with the voice of the
suspect Steven Schatz and the screams of the animal being abused. This
voice was identified and confirmed by Schatz to be his voice.”

It has been proven over and over. Statistical data, case
studies, psychologists, and even FBI Profilers show us the connection
and over again, and yet animal abuse crimes are not given nearly the
that human crimes are given. Animal abuse clearly illustrates a lack of
empathy for the suffering of others, which is a signficant
characteristic of sociopathic personalities.

Virtually every serious violent offender has a
history of animal abuse in their past, and since there's no way to know
which animal abuser is going to continue on to commit violent human crimes,
they should ALL be taken that seriously. FBI
Supervisory Special Agent Allen Brantley was quoted as saying "Animal
cruelty... is not a harmless venting of emotion in a healthy individual;
this is a warning sign..." It should be looked at as exactly that.
Its a clear indicator of psychological issues that can and often DO lead to
more violent human crimes.

Sentencing is scheduled for May 29, 2005. We petition that he serve up to 3 years in prison, that he undergo psychological counseling and that he never has an animal in his possession.
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