A South Carolina Fire Chief Chased Down and Pulled a Gun on Teens Who Were Simply Lost. He Should Be Fired.

  • da: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: Townville Fire Department
Imagine being a young teen and realizing you had made a wrong turn. You decide, like any other driver would, to turn around in a nearby driveway to go the opposite direction. You give a small wave to the property owners in their garage… who then proceed to chase you down in their pickup trucks until you pull over, then force you out of the car and onto the ground -- all with a deadly gun pointed at you.

This is exactly what Fire Chief Billy McAdams did to two young, innocent boys last year.

This man should be fired, plain and simple.

Sign now to tell the Townville Fire Department to fire Chief Billy McAdams!

The dispatches from this evening are harrowing. On the audio recording, you can hear the teenagers fearfully tell the dispatcher that Billy McAdams and his son were "making us get out of the car with guns." They proceed to tell the 911 operator that they were being forced to get on the ground at gunpoint.

This is intentional, violent emotional distress and assault, not to mention illegal false imprisonment. Billy McAdams, along with the help of his son Wyatt, decided that day that he could do whatever he wanted based on wild assumptions and a power trip, and it came at the cost of traumatizing and almost killing kids. You can even hear recordings of multiple 911 dispatchers and operators asking McAdams if he had a gun on the kids, telling him to leave them alone, and urging him to wait in his car. 

Fire Chiefs serve vital roles in their communities, and must be trusted by community members. People depend on the fire department for their personal well-being and safety. Residents clearly cannot trust a man who chases down teenagers and threatens to kill them at the drop of a hat, and no one who acts this way should hold a position of power.

Sign the petition now to encourage the Townville Fire Department to fire Billy McAdams!
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