Demand a Posthumas Knighthood for both Gordon Welchman and Alan Turing the Masterminds behind decoding the Enigma MachinesDemand a posthumas Knighthood for Gordon Welchman who was the genius decoding Enigma machines with Alan Turing.

  • da: Tracy Wilton
  • destinatario: Rt Hon David Cameron, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, President Barak Obama and Charlie Elphicke MP.
Gordon Welchman did nothing wrong. He wanted to share his passion for decoding Enigma machines and the vital part this played in shortrning WWII. He was hounded to death by the US National Security Agency and the the remainder of his books pulped. Je died broken hearted ehen his security clearance was revoked by the NSA
He was born British but became a US Citizen.His decoding work has usage today his methods having contributed to the capture of terrorists including Osama Bin Laden. We owe this man our lives and enduring gratitude for saving us from defeat in WWII and terrorist threats. Gordon Welchman I salute you for your genius,strength of character and loyalty to Britain ans the US after the ultimate betrayal of you by the NSA. Please people in the Uk and USA sign my petition to have this nrave and much hounded man a posthumas knighthood. He put his life on the line to save us all from terrorism and to share his and Alan Turing's amazing work and the history of Bletchley park . I have met someone who workedcthere and they are amazing people. I beg you all respectcully to sign my petition for Gordon Welchman .
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