Bring Back CBC Blood Testing for Early Detection

  • van: Dawn Cepero
  • ontvanger: Michael Leavitt, Secretary of Health & Human Services - U.S. Dept of  Health & Human Services

More children are diagnosed with Childhood Cancers during school physicals, then any other time during the year.  This is because they have their blood tested through a Basic CBC test. 

CBC Tests done via Finger Stick every Doctor Visit or one every 3 months are imperative to the health and well being of our children.

A CBC test can act as a marker test for approximately 2000 diseases.  Sometimes, it is the first and only sign that something is wrong.  

Those of you in your 30's and older will remember having your finger pricked every time you entered the doctor's office with a cold.  

The reason was to check for early detection of childhood diseases and illnesses and to determine whether or not an antibiotic was needed

40% of our antibiotics are used unnecessarily.  This is one of the reasons that antibiotics are becoming ineffective.  The test is only $6.00-$12.00.  If my child had received the test initially, she may still be alive today.  They would have been given more time to treat her, but unfortunately by the time she was diagnosed, it was too late.  Her White Blood Count had reached 283,000 - a normal leukemia patient is around 35k and 100k with her type of leukemia is a poor prognosis.  She never even received Chemo and died 24 hours after diagnosis, showing no prior systems outside of 5 days prior to her death and being misdiagnosed by an After Hours Pediatrician two days earlier. 

For your child's sake, urge your children's doctors to do a CBC test upon every sick child visit or at least once every 3 months.  It could save your child's life.  For more information about CBC's and their importance, visit or

For more information about Caylee and the many ways you can help spread the word, raise money for pediatric research, assist with finding causes or helping a family with a child who has cancer, please visit or


Please tell Michael Leavitt and the major Insurance Companies that we want CBC testing brought back especially for our children.  There will be less money spent on unneeded antibiotics and our children will not be expendable, they will have the chance to fight their illness, the chance Caylee did not have.

Thank you for your support!

Dawn Cepero
Caylee's Mommy

For information on environmental factors of multiple illnesses -
Mr. Leavitt:

We, the undersigned are asking for your assistance regarding our attached petition to Bring Back CBC Blood Testing for Early Detection.  We are on a mission to take back some of the independence we have allowed our healthcare system to have, especially for the sake of our children. 

On March 8, 2005, I lost my four year old daughter to AML.  She had no prior symptoms to her death, outside of 5 days and the Leukemia presented as a Stomach Virus.  The symptoms started on a Thursday with just a low grade fever and then vomiting the next day.  She had been given a routince CBC on 9/3/2004, just six months prior and it was perfect.  On Saturday after I had treated it systematically with Clear Fluids and the Brat diet, she had stopped vomiting, but was still dry heaving.  At 5pm, I took my child to an After Hours Pediatrician because she was barely drinking.  I was concerned she was dehydrating.  The doctor did not do a thorough body exam, only looking down her throat for moisture.  He told me it was a stomach virus and sent us home with Promethazine and Tylenol suppositories.  By Monday morning, both of her eyelids were completely bruised with Petechiae.  I called her Pediatrician and he told me to bring her to him at once.  He took one look at her and made the diagnosis without blood work. 

Now, I know that my child was a rare situation, having never had a nose bleed ever or an ear infection, no fatigue prior to that week, no aches or pains, no abnormal bruising that did not disappear in a few days; however I have also met multiple parents whose children were ill for months before ever getting a CBC and finding out their children had Autoimmune diseases or Cancer or some other illness.

More children are diagnosed with Childhood Cancers during school physicals, then any other time during the year.  This is because they have their blood tested through a Basic CBC. 

CBC Tests done via Finger Stick every Doctor Visit or one every 3 months are imperative to the health and well being of our children for early detection.

A CBC test can act as a marker test for approximately thousands of diseases.  Sometimes, it is the first and only sign that something is actually wrong.  

20 years ago, I remember having my finger pricked every time I entered the doctor's office and of course, the reason was to check for early detection of childhood diseases and illnesses and to determine whether or not an antibiotic was needed. 

I am sure you know that an estimated 40% of our antibiotics are used unnecessarily.  This is one of the reasons that antibiotics are becoming ineffective.  The test is only $6.00-$12.00.  If my child had received the test initially, she may still be alive today.  They would have been given more time to treat her, but unfortunately by the time she was diagnosed, it was too late.  In just 5 days, she went from onset to hypercoagulation.  Her White Blood Count had reached 283,000.   A normal leukemia patient would be around 35k and a 100k WBC with her type of leukemia is a poor prognosis.  She never even received Chemo and died 24 hours after diagnosis, showing no prior systems outside of the 5 days prior to her death and being misdiagnosed by an After Hours Pediatrician just 2 days earlier.  Those two days could have saved her life, at least given her a chance. 

For our childrens' sake, we are asking that doctors do a CBC test on every sick child and at least once every 3 months.  It could save their life.  While I am sure you know, but for more information about CBC's and their importance, visit or

For more information about Caylee and the many ways you can help spread the word, raise money for pediatric research, assist with finding causes or helping a family with a child who has cancer, please visit or

Finally, Mr. Leavitt, please assist us with the major Insurance Companies and tell them that we want CBC testing brought back, especially for our children.  There will be less money spent on unneeded antibiotics and our children will not be expendable, they will have the chance to fight their illness, the chance Caylee did not have.

Thank you for your support!

Dawn Cepero
Caylee's Mommy

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