Boycott Sweetface by J.Lo

  • van: Daphne
  • ontvanger: Justsweet/Sweetface
Please refrain from name calling and make your comments tactful.
J.Lo supports suffering, pain and cruelty not just for fashion but for profit. Even though she is aware of the cruelty behind her so called "fashion" statements, she parades her morbid possessions in the spotlight. Her own clothing line amazing enough called, "Sweetface" (can you say oxymoron?) supports and promotes the slaughter for profit industry of the fur trade.  So for J.Lo to portray herself as a caring compassionate person is totally hypocritical as long as she profits from the pain, suffering and death of sentient beings. No matter how she tries to market her slaughter for profit creations, J.Lo has the blood of thousands of animals that should still be wearing the very fur she not only wears but sells.
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