Help Ban 1080 Baits.

  • van: Ally McKenzie
  • ontvanger: Department of Environment and Conservation
The Australian Outback is home to many native animals. In paticular Wallabies, Dingoes, Foxes and other carnivorous animals have been found dead or suffering due to eating a 1080 bait.

1080 baits are used to kill feral animals, that harm sheep and other farm animals. However, due to many of the areas baits have been placed not having signs they have been known to kill dogs, cats and other household pets and native fauna.

1080 baits cause disorientation, seizures, vomiting, twitching and usually are fatal to anything that eats it.

By signing this petition you will bring us 1 step closer to banning 1080 baits and saving Australian fauna.

Thank you.
We the undersigned are writing today to urge you to ban 1080 baits. Many of the areas were baits are aren't labelled. By using these baits you are killing alot of native Australian fauna and people's household pets.

It is a very traumatic experience for both the owner and the subject, no one should have to endure that. One important thing to remember is that you're not only killing the animals who consume the baits, but you're also killing the animals that eat those animals.

In conclusion I believe a ban would be better for our wildlife and people. Thankyou for taking the time to read this letter.
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