Make Kill Shelters Become Illegal in the United States

We the undersigned, want to do everything we can to get kill shelters in America shut down.  At these shelters animals are being euthanized and their reasoning is that the shelters are becoming overpopulated.  Instead of killing these poor, helpless animals, they should be working to shut down the puppy mills and over breeding if they're so worried about overpopulation.  The way these animals are being killed and treated is horrible.  They usually wait about 5-10 days before killing them if they don't get adopted.  That's barely enough time for an adoption, it's just not fair.  Please do everything you can to get these shelters shut down, these animals don't deserve it and they can't control what happens to them.  Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, hopefully we can all make a difference.
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